How has the role of health professionals changed but not been diminished in an information driven health system

How has the role of health professionals changed but not been diminished in an information driven health system

Optional resource for your review, Chapter 3 PowerPoint.

Navigate to the threaded discussion below and respond to the following questions:

How has the role of health professionals changed but not been diminished in an information driven health system?

How does the assumption of evidence-based clinical decision making change the role of the health professional?

Give examples of the difference between a clinical decision and the decisions process.

Should intuitive decisions include evidence from a clinical trial

Optional resource for your review, Chapter 4 PowerPoint.

Navigate to the threaded discussion below and respond to the following questions:

Describe how U.S. hospitals have been structured to accommodate the roles and decision-making autonomy of physicians.

Describe the traditional structure and function of IT in hospitals in the context of its state of development and the structure of hospitals.

What is a community of practice, and how has it been used in other industries? How might value be measured and rewarded in the community of practice?

Requirements: 200   |   .doc file

Brown, G. (2018). Health Informatics: A Systems Perspective, Second Edition. [Textbook Butler]. Retrieved from…

chapter_3__powerpoints chapter_4__powerpoints

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How has the role of health professionals changed but not been diminished in an information driven health system


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