Discuss if the store utilizes or does not utilize the marketing concept
Consumer behavior application#1
Write a 5-6 page paper (use APA style) about your experiences noted above in identifying/locating the aforementioned items or areas at the store you visited. More specifically, in your paper, address the following:
1. Describe the research methodologies you employed. Make sure you connect your description to Chapter 2 content.
2. Discuss the ease or difficulty of finding the items on the list. Please note the estimated percentages for each obtained result.
3. Discuss if the store utilizes or does not utilize the marketing concept. Make sure you connect your discussion to Chapter 1 content. Highlight any observations on demographic aspects of store.
4. Discuss your overall thoughts or reactions while you were looking around the store for items.
5. Reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of segmentation from a consumer perspective. Make sure you connect your reflection to Chapter 3 content.
6. Answer the following question: based on this assignment, do you believe there are group-based differences in consumer privilege? Why or why not?
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