Browse Questions

Discuss the benefits of using this assessment as a tool.

Discuss the benefits of using this assessment as a tool Prepare a 350 word paper detailing the findings of the 360 Reach assessment. Please be sure to use third person academic voice. Solution Preview 360 assessment tools is a personal brand survey the first of the kind to be developed and launched by William Arruda it is … Read more

Describe some ways in which music criticism and debates reflected larger social and political issues in the eighteenth century

Describe some ways in which music criticism and debates reflected larger social and political issues in the eighteenth century Describe some ways in which music criticism and debates reflected larger social and political issues in the eighteenth century, focusing in particular on the Querelle des Bouffons in France. Also, what does “celebrity” mean, and how … Read more

Industrialization after the Civil War

Industrialization after the Civil War After the Civil War, the United States became a much more industrialized society. Between 1865 and 1920, industrialization improved American life in many ways. However, industrialization also created problems for American society. Consider events that took place after the Civil War and discuss ways that industrialization affected the U.S. between … Read more

Comparing and contrasting the National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) with the former Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS)

Comparing and contrasting the National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) with the former Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS Visit the DHS Website and complete a two page paper comparing and contrasting the National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) with the former Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS). Due Sunday midnight (MST). Please type your homework assignment in MS … Read more

Efficiency of Technology

Efficiency of Technology Review the “Global Issues in Context: Left Homeless, Storm Victims Turn to Internet to Find Shelter” podcast, located in this week’s Electronic Reserve readings. The podcast discusses the use of technology to locate available places where homeless storm victims can find shelter. If a family locates a place using the electronic resource, they … Read more

Body and gender identity

Body and gender identity For the section/articles about the body: About the idea of body: If you were born in a different place, a different time, a different shape, how would that change who you are as a person? What is expected of you, and is it the same for a man and a woman? … Read more


EDU675: CHANGE LEADERSHIP FOR THE DIFFERENTIATED EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT EDU675: CHANGE LEADERSHIP FOR THE DIFFERENTIATED EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT As you have learned throughout your program, action research is primarily about encouraging teachers and other leaders to be continuous and reflective learners in their specific practice. Action research is considered a work in progress. It is iterative. Action … Read more

Identifying the Challenge

 Identifying the Challenge For your senior project, choose one of the following major criminal justice areas: law enforcement, prisons/corrections, the courts, Homeland Security, private security, or emergency management. This component will serve as the area for which your senior project will be based. Next, identify a challenge or area of improvement within your chosen area. … Read more

Describe the state and how it might impact the investigator gathering data

Describe the state and how it might impact the investigator gathering data 663 / M11DF / Mobile Forensics The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) guidelines list four different states a mobile device can be in when you extract data. Identify the four states. Describe the state, and how it might impact the investigator … Read more

How does Critical Thinking connect with the course material this week

How does Critical Thinking connect with the course material this week Overview: Welcome to the week 6 reflection journal. Throughout the course you will reflect on your weekly research experience and make connections to previous learning as well as the university learning outcomes. Directions: In the week 6 reflection we will be focusing on the … Read more

Prepare a 2- to 2.5-page Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan

Prepare a 2- to 2.5-page Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan You work for a multi-state company with three sites in three different states, 1,000 employees, an ERP application with a backend database, and two datacenters. Prepare a 2- to 2.5-page Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan in Microsoft® Word for your … Read more

Conduct an online search for André Breton’s poem

Conduct an online search for André Breton’s poem Conduct an online search for André Breton’s poem, “Free Union.” Upon locating the poem, read through it and share your thoughts about the following discussion with your classmates: André Breton’s “Free Union” follows the form of a French blason, a poem that is made up of a list … Read more

What would you in order to lead to success for your departmental chair and your school

What would you in order to lead to success for your departmental chair and your school Please respond to: As the principal supervisor, what would you in order to lead to success for your departmental chair and your school? Develop a bulleted plan of action that aligns with ISLLC Standard 5: An education leader promotes … Read more

What did you read about The Renaissance through the Baroque

What did you read about The Renaissance through the Baroque Impression of the 18th and 19 Centuries Chapter 18: The Renaissance through the Baroque What did you read about The Renaissance through the Baroque that most impressed you? Explain why. Chapter 19: The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries What did you read about The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries that most impressed … Read more

Write a letter to your Federal or State representatives

Write a letter to your Federal or State representatives Write a letter to your Federal or State representatives / or local politician about an issue that concerns you that you feel he/she needs to know about and act upon. Make it a formal letter with data that support your position and/ or why they should … Read more

Applying Best Practices to Facilitate Creativity

 Applying Best Practices to Facilitate Creativity Disc Week7: Applying Best Practices to Facilitate Creativity ISTE-E 1.c. Stay current with research that supports improved student learning outcomes, including findings from the learning sciences. ISTE-E 6.c. Create learning opportunities that challenge students to use a design process and computational thinking to innovate and solve problems. ISTE-E 6.d. … Read more

Explain  how blood flows through the heart and throughout the body

Explain  how blood flows through the heart and throughout the body Vascular System Explain (in your own words) how blood flows through the heart and throughout the body. Use any personal experience, if appropriate, to help support your post. If differences of opinion occur, discuss the issues and provide examples to support your opinions. APA … Read more

Discuss the role of state and local health departments within the State of Florida

Discuss the role of state and local health departments within the State of Florida Health departments in Florida Question 1: Discuss the role of state and local health departments within the State of Florida. Question 2: Discuss what is one way that YOU can get involved in Homeland Security? 200-250 words for each question. APA … Read more

Racism Towards African American Students in High School Settings

Racism Towards African American Students in High School Settings Individually write a 2-page paper (12 point font, double-spaced, 1” margins) about their topic of Racism Towards African American Students in High School Settings 1. Summarize your research and findings. (10 points) 2. Describe what stood out to you, personally, about your topic of interest and … Read more

Describe what you see in terms of similarities and differences in the understanding of these writers

Describe what you see in terms of similarities and differences in the understanding of these writers Read some readings and write a 250 words paper. Describe what you see in terms of similarities and differences in the understanding of these writers (Freneau, Wheatley, and Edwards) of who and what God is and how God works. … Read more

What events led you to choose nursing as a career at this stage in your life

What events led you to choose nursing as a career at this stage in your life Nursing personal essay Personal Statement. Provide a statement of 250-500 words that addresses the following questions: What events led you to choose nursing as a career at this stage in your life? Why are you choosing to pursue this … Read more

Design a minimum 200-word Product Launch Plan in Microsoft® Word.

Design a minimum 200-word Product Launch Plan in Microsoft® Word. New Product Launch Design a minimum 200-word Product Launch Plan in Microsoft® Word. The product launch plan will be for the Veterans Resource Center at the University of Phoenix Arlington Campus. Include the following: Brief SWOT (emphasizes internal market–Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) and/or TOWS (emphasizes the external market–Threats, Opportunities, Weakness, … Read more

How does Communication connect to achieving your career goals

How does Communication connect to achieving your career goals Welcome to the week 5 reflection journal. Overview: Throughout the course you will reflect on your weekly research experience and make connections to previous learning as well as the university learning outcomes. Directions: In the week 5 reflection we will be focusing on the following skills … Read more

Find a video on Youtube which you believe to be an example of subliminal advertising

Find a video on Youtube which you believe to be an example of subliminal advertising Critique of Subliminal Videos Find a video on Youtube which you believe to be an example of subliminal advertising. In a paragraph or two, discuss the product and content of the video. You should focus on what is the apparent … Read more

Locate a newspaper article describing a white collar crime

Locate a newspaper article describing a white collar crime Locate a newspaper article describing a white collar crime Locate a newspaper article describing a white collar crime. Write a one page summary of the article. APA FORMAT Solution preview White collar crime is a non-violent crime traditionally linked to the high-status personalities and corporate individuals … Read more

Discuss at least three APA concepts presented in

Discuss at least three APA concepts presented in IS FUNCTION/TECH After watching the video, APA In-text Citations (6th Edition), discuss at least three APA concepts presented in or that you learned from the video.   Solution preview Firstly, I learned that plagiarism is a matter of a minor mistake like not adding quotation marks to … Read more

How easy was it to understand each of the problems that were presented

How easy was it to understand each of the problems that were presented Write 600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. SECTION 1 In this course, … Read more

How your own personal experiences, assumptions and predispositions

How your own personal experiences, assumptions and predispositions How your own personal experiences, assumptions and predispositions impacted how you read the piece. The forum for this week addresses the third learning objective: Produce an original opinion based on assigned literature. Many of the pieces we have read during weeks 1-5 have social, cultural and political … Read more

Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the U.S. Healthcare System

Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the U.S. Healthcare System. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the U.S. Healthcare System. After you have read chapters 1-3 of your textbook, as well as the assigned website readings, describe the strengths and weaknesses of the U.S. Healthcare System. Be creative in the title. choose something interesting for the … Read more

Short reflection : rivers and tides: andy goldsworthy working with time

Short reflection : rivers and tides: andy goldsworthy working with time Short reflection : rivers and tides: andy goldsworthy working with time with the film, compose a half-page single-spaced paragraph that : a) identifies an attribute or element of film form b) identifies an aspect of content – a problem or issue at play in … Read more

What level of evidence quantitative study would best address the problem

What level of evidence quantitative study would best address the problem What level of evidence quantitative study would best address the problem? Explain your answer. The focus of the topic) is: Advancements in Technology- Impact on nurse stress levels. reference included. Provide information about researches on quantitative study that address the problem of advance technology … Read more

Explain Leslie Marmon Silko’s’ approach to the Native American experience

Explain Leslie Marmon Silko’s’ approach to the Native American experience Native american In a 1-page report, explain Leslie Marmon Silko’s’ approach to the Native American experience. Do you find that she actively writes against common stereotypes? Explain yes or no and why. Along the way, does she attempt to create positive images? Or what do … Read more

Case Study – Communication Implications of Major Organizational Theories

Case Study – Communication Implications of Major Organizational Theories Case Study – Communication Implications of Major Organizational Theories 1.5 space, 3-5 pages Answer the questions by following “Communication Implications of Major Organizational Theories ” (Chapter 3) 1 Why did Jane not know she was considered an average performer? 2. What should Martin have done? What should … Read more

Define and discuss the concept of ecological services.

Define and discuss the concept of ecological services. Ecological Services In a 2-3 page paper, using APA-style formatting, define and discuss the concept of ecological services. Then, review the “Ecological Services of Rivers” outlined in Mini Lecture: Water Resources and Water Pollution. From the list, identify two services you believe are the most important and … Read more

Human Service Professionals come from different disciplines including social work

Human Service Professionals come from different disciplines including social work Human Service Professionals come from different disciplines including social work, counseling, marriage and family, and psychology. No one field has been shown to be more effective than another when it comes to counseling. However, studies show that some Human Service Professionals are more effective than … Read more

Do you think that you will be able to conduct a good interview

Do you think that you will be able to conduct a good interview Prompt 1 Do you think that you will be able to conduct a good interview? What skills will you need to strengthen your competence as an interviewer? Prompt 2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of recording client information on the computer … Read more

Identifying the Challenge

Identifying the Challenge For your senior project, choose one of the following major criminal justice areas: law enforcement, prisons/corrections, the courts, Homeland Security, private security, or emergency management. This component will serve as the area for which your senior project will be based. Next, identify a challenge or area of improvement within your chosen area. … Read more

Theravada and the denial of existence of the substantial self, reality of karma and rebirth

Theravada and the denial of existence of the substantial self, reality of karma and rebirth Theravada denies the existence of the substantial self, but affirms the reality of karma and rebirth. Explicate and attempt to resolve this seeming paradox. Essay two pages Solution Preview Theravada is the most commonly practiced form of Buddhism in many … Read more

This Discussion Board is for the two sources on Reconstruction: Louisiana Black Codes and

This Discussion Board is for the two sources on Reconstruction: Louisiana Black Codes and Carl Schurz’s Report on the Condition of the South. Short Paragraph for each answer. Question is on the bottom for the two articles. Prompt: This Discussion Board is for the two sources on Reconstruction: Louisiana Black Codes and Carl Schurz’s Report … Read more

Ethics in Disparity between the CEO Pay and the Average Worker

Ethics in Disparity between the CEO Pay and the Average Worker Write a paper of approximately 750 words that addresses the following prompt: The average U.S. CEO was paid approximately $12.94 million in 2011, while the average U.S. worker’s pay was approximately $34,000. Is this disparity in compensation ethical? Why or why not? How much of … Read more

Information Systems in Healthcare

Information Systems in Healthcare See the attached document Attachments area Information_systems_paper_guidelines__1_-1 Solution Preview In order to recognize nursing’s involvement to patient care and establish the most suitable method to integrate components of nursing care into the Electronic Health Records and other certifications that define and assess the value of patient care, there has been the … Read more

Discuss lifestyle patterns (both diet and physical activities) that will assist with losing body fat rather than weight

Discuss lifestyle patterns (both diet and physical activities) that will assist with losing body fat rather than weight Various management strategies for eating and performing physical activity are useful in achieving and maintaining optimal body composition. Discuss lifestyle patterns (both diet and physical activities) that will assist with losing body fat rather than weight. Please … Read more

Contract with university of Phoenix

Contract with university of Phoenix Select a contract that you are currently engaged in (University of Phoenix, Cell Phone, Electrical, Power, Car, Insurance, etc.). Write a review of the contract in a minimum of 1,050 words in which you include the following: Consider the elements that were necessary to form the contract. Explain how your selected contract … Read more

A brief description of the types of resources about poverty available through this site: Using

Poverty Related Issues  A brief description of the types of resources about poverty available through this site Using Technology to Make Reading an Enjoyable Experience for All Children NAEYC (article file attached) 2. Your response to one of the following questions: If you were to decide to make the reduction of poverty part of your … Read more

In a well-written paper, compare and contrast three marketing research methods.

In a well-written paper, compare and contrast three marketing research methods. Explain the validity of each for a small business of your choice In a well-written paper, compare and contrast three marketing research methods. Explain the validity of each for a small business of your choice and its use in the public relations plan. Your … Read more

Budgeting in uncertainty is challenging. The decisions made by budget managers affect the direction

Budgeting in uncertainty is challenging. The decisions made by budget managers affect the direction and future of every company. Budgeting in uncertainty is challenging. The decisions made by budget managers affect the direction and future of every company. Having a thorough understanding of the components of capital budgeting is essential to developing an appropriate budget. … Read more

India as an economic force

India as an economic force India as an economic force? It sounds odd to consider this fact based upon the India of 20 years ago, when people were fleeing to escape India’s economic woes. However, today India as a modern economic power is a reality. One sign of this is that many jobs in the … Read more

Read the case study titled “Verizon is creating a Culture That Focuses on Shareholder

Read the case study titled “Verizon is creating a Culture That Focuses on Shareholder Value” and write a one to two paragraph summary of the case Read the case study titled “Verizon is creating a Culture That Focuses on Shareholder Value” and write a one to two paragraph summary of the case.  The text describes … Read more

Economic Analysis of Brazil

Economic Analysis of Brazil You have been promoted to General Manager of your company’s new overseas division. It’s time to pack your bags and get ready to live and work abroad! In preparation, your boss- who has also received a promotion and will be the CEO of the new division, has asked you to help … Read more

Core Competencies of the Sears/Kmart company

Core Competencies of the Sears/Kmart company Are there certain areas in which you excel? Math? Engine repair? Technology? Cooking? These may be among your core competencies—things you are especially good at. Companies have core competencies, too and it’s likely that you have encountered the idea of core competencies in your organization. Although companies are typically … Read more