Short reflection : rivers and tides: andy goldsworthy working with time

Short reflection : rivers and tides: andy goldsworthy working with time

Short reflection : rivers and tides: andy goldsworthy working with time

with the film, compose a half-page single-spaced paragraph that :

a) identifies an attribute or element of film form

b) identifies an aspect of content – a problem or issue at

play in the diegesis of the film

c) identifies a warrant(or connection) between a.(form) and b,(content)

That is: one carefully written paragraph. One paragraph = One idea. Organize your thoughts about a film along the lines of one clear claim. Feel free to compare/contrast two or more works, if you prefer. Cite at least one external text (e.g.Bordwell “Film Art: An Introduction”) in the midst of your paragraph.


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Andy Goldsworthy Documentary Rivers and Tides

The Rivers and tides documentary (Riedelsheimer, 2002)is a spiritual literate film. It provokes the artistic side of the viewer to vision how to be creative with nature. Goldsworthy is a nature artist who utilizes mud, sticks, snow, and stone among other elements of nature to create artworks like sculpture. In the film, he narrates his deep connection to nature while demonstrating a few of his work……………….


395 words


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