There is a long history of Western Europeans and Americans going abroad to fight in foreign wars. 

There is a long history of Western Europeans and Americans going abroad to fight in foreign wars.  Americans most notably fought in the Spanish

There is a long history of Western Europeans and Americans going abroad to fight in foreign wars.  Americans most notably fought in the Spanish Civil War during the 1930s against the dictatorial regime of Franco, and in Cuba in the late 1950s on behalf of Fidel Castro, when he seemed a democratic revolutionary as opposed to the right wing dictatorship of Batista and years before his announcement that he was and had always been a communist.  Likewise, European Muslims fought against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, and volunteered to fight on the side of the Bosnian and Kosovo Muslims in the wars in Yugoslavia during the 1990s.  So the recent travels of Americans and European citizens and permanent residents to fight in the wars in the Middle East is not new.

What most definitely is new, however, is that they recently have been going to fight on behalf of ISIS and other sworn enemies of Western democracies who have conducted or claimed credit for terrorist attacks on Europeans and Americans in Western European countries and the United States.  So we come to the question of the week.  Should American and European citizens who fight on behalf of avowed enemies of their homeland be stripped of their citizenships and denied re-entry to the United States and the EU?  Why or why not?

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Yes, these people should be denied entry in to their countries or origin. To go even further, these people should be stripped of their citizenship and hence viewed as threats to the country or origin. This is a step that will have significant impact on making sure that the different………………………………….


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