Research the recent development Internet of Things

Research the recent development Internet of Things

Paper Topic: “Internet of Things
Purpose: To thoroughly research the recent development “Internet of Things” and write a paper that
summarizes your findings in each of the following areas:
Creation and development
Current uses, potential benefits and problems
Governmental regulations
Cost effectiveness
Potential applications
Where “Internet of Things” is headed
As a reminder, this paper is not about the development of the internet or commerce. Information
regarding these areas will not be counted towards the required content.
Instructions, Content Requirements, Expectations, Formatting:
 Minimum of eight full pages of written content (3200 words minimum), double spaced using
Calibri font size 11. Cover page, titles, subtitles, headers, footer, reference, appendix or other
non-content pages will not count towards the size requirements.
 Submissions should be written using Microsoft Word with margins set on the “normal” setting
(1” top, bottom, left, right).
 Identifying information such as class name, my name, date, class number or any other non-topic
information should not be added to the content pages. That type of information should only be
included on a cover page.
 Page numbers, if used, should start on the first content page and can only be placed in the
header/footer. The cover page should not be shown as page 1.
 Headings or footers should only include your name and page number on a single line. One
example of this would be: Dr. S. Altan Erdem; Page 1.
 Subtitles are not required but can be used in the paper. The use of subtitles cannot take away
from the content or size requirements. Subtitles should not be “over used”, create odd spacing,
small paragraphs or distract from the flow of information in the paper.
 Before writing this paper, ensure you have a full understanding of the topic.
 The purpose of the paper is to provide an in-depth study of this recent development, discuss
how it is currently used and fully describe the potential impact it may have in the future.
 The writing style and paper content should be clear and readable, with a proper flow (that is,
“university-level academic writing style” is expected).
 Charts that provide information tied to your paper are not required. If used, they must be
included only in an appendix and not in the paper. Charts do not count as content and cannot
be included in the main body of the paper. They must be properly cited and can only be used if
allowed. Publications and websites generally do not allow for their graphics to be copied. Check
the terms of use for each chart before including.


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