During the years 1938-1957, according to McNickle, E Deloria, and Peterson, American Indians made significant progress
During the years 1938-1957
— Format: 2½–3 pages, 1” margins, double-spaced, 10-12 pt font. Please do not add a cover sheet. Simply include your name, course number (AIS 320), and Essay 1 at the top of the page (either centered or adjusted left).Also, no secondary sources are required. You need only refer to the reading assignments (and lectures, when appropriate). However, whenever you cite or quote from your textbook, The American Indian Intellectual Tradition, please state the page number in parentheses at the end of your citation or quotation. For example, “William Apess brings up the issue of a disputed deed to Marshpee land, which he makes the central part of his argument to the Massachusetts General Court that the state is responsible for redressing the Marshpee’s grievance against Phineas Fish (64-65).” Furthermore, whenever making a direct quote from the book, quotations should be brief, a sentence or two at a time. Please avoid using lengthy block quotes.
Instructions: Making references to the authors read in Part 3 of your textbook, The American Indian Intellectual Tradition, namely McNickle, E Deloria, Peterson, Owl, Warrio
1 During the years 1938-1957, according to McNickle, E Deloria, and Peterson, American Indians made significant progress in terms of their nation-building (McNickle), military service (Deloria), and political participation (Peterson). With this in mind, what is an important example of each one of these three developments, about which each author expresses pride? In turn, what is an example that each author points to as a major concern of theirs?
2 During the early years of the Indian Protest Movement, Owl,Warrior, and Thomas provide their readers a snapshot of the Indian community in 1962, 1964, and 1965. With respect to each writer, what is an example that is reflective of Owl being a Bureau of Indian Affairs superintendent, of Warrior being a student-activist, and of Thomas being an anthropologist?