Televised construction of gay masculinities

Televised construction of gay masculinities

This is the topic
Televised construction of gay masculinities”
Required word length: 400-600 words During the first three weeks of the course, we have discussed and analyzed gender discourse within various media. Cohen defines “gender discourse” as (what). Your task for this blog is:
1.Using and image and text, construct an original meme that challenges a dominant gender discourse.
2.Explain what gender discourse your meme challenges and point to a specific media example in which the dominant gender discourse has circulated
3.In your discussion, draw upon key concepts introduced in at least ONE of the readings below. (You can use more.)

Reading options: •Judith Lorber, “Believing as seeing: Biology as ideology” •Sarah Bartky, “Femininity, Foucault, and the modernization of patriarchal power” •Michael Kimmel, “Masculinity as homophobia: Fear, shame, and the construction of gender identity” •Melissa Click et al., “Let’s hug it out, bitch: HBO’s Entourage, masculinity in crisis, and the value of audience studies” •Kay Seibler, “Transgender transitions: Sex/gender binaries in the digital age” •Guillermo Avila-Saavedra, “Nothing queer about queer television: Televised construction of gay masculinities”

Avila-Saavedra (1) Meme it

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Televised Construction of Gay Masculinities
710 words
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