Gap Analysis and Community Assessment

Gap Analysis and Community Assessment

Gap Analysis and Community Assessment


In Unit 6, we cover a lot of ground as we examine organizational structures, power dynamics, force-field analysis, stakeholder analysis, understanding resistance to change, and influencing internal stakeholders to become a master change agent (Cawsey, Deszca, & Ingols, 2016). All of these topics address the next step in our change management process model as outlined by Beckhard and Harris.

Any individual, at any level within the organization, can be a change agent. We will discuss four different types of change leaders: the emotional champion, the intuitive adapter, the continuous improver, and the developmental strategist (Cawsey, Deszca, & Ingols, 2016). Health care leaders will be expected to assume a greater change-agent role and will be required to use their positional power and expertise to lead their organizations forward in uncertain waters.


Cawsey, T. F., Deszca, G., & Ingols, C. (2016). Organizational change: An action-oriented toolkit (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:

Examine processes for navigating organizational change.

Leverage knowledge of change-management theories.

Summarize the essential characteristics of change leaders.

Self-assess current and desired change-leadership characteristics.


pgs 261-264 Organizational Change textbook (1)

Unit 6 _ MHA5040 Gap Analysis and Community Assessment (1) (1)

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 Gap Analysis and Community Assessment


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