Find the Regularity and social trend issue

Find the Regularity and social trend issue

ou are a sales person who would like to sell the benefits of sponsoring or donating to one the many annual Kidsport Victoria BC events.

Complete a situation analysis and SWOT of an origination that is located in Victoria BC using a minimum of 4 secondary sources incorporated into the paper.

The organization website is:

Q1. Regulatory / Legislative Issue

-What legal constraints will be there for the KidsSport brand ?

-What legal opportunities are there ?

Q2. Social Trend / issue ?

-What are current trends in corporate social responsibilities?

-What socio-demographic factores enhance or inhibit sponsoring an kidSport event?

The paragraphs should not be short

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There are several legal constrains that may face the organization before it is full allowed to be in operations. The first and most notable is that there are several legal approvals that need to be made before one can be allowed to raise money as a charity organization……………………………
524 Words
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