Explore how regulatory bodies monitor and enforce the compliance of security and privacy laws
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Assignment Content Explore how regulatory bodies monitor and enforce the compliance of security and privacy laws. Visit the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ website. -Locate and read the press releases of five resolution agreements within the last year involving HIPAA security violations. -Study the corrective action plan section of the resolution agreement for each of the cases. Evaluate the agreements for the following criteria: 1.What do these cases have in common? 2.What are their differences? 3.Do all of the Security Rule violations you read also involve Privacy Rule violations? 4.What were your impressions of the types of cases you read and their resolutions? Consider the following: HIPAA oversees the privacy rights of individuals but it does not provide a private right of action. Research the Internet and the University Library for any possible means of recourse available to an individual who is harmed as a result of a HIPAA violation. Write a 1,300 word paper addressing all the topics above and the findings from your research.
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