Browse Questions

Provide a short speech reflecting on two areas of operations management you would focus on as an operations leader. Why did you

Provide a short speech reflecting on two areas of operations management you would focus on as an operations leader. Why did you BUS545WK8 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT REFLECTION The field of operations management covers strategic issues and practical applications. Among the areas included are forecasting, product and service design, capacity planning, management of quality and quality control, … Read more

Identifying Common Ideas: Read through the notes. Identify distinct and different reasons by placing numbers next to the relevant sentences.

Identifying Common Ideas: Read through the notes. Identify distinct and different reasons by placing numbers next to the relevant sentences. Exercise – Identifying Common IdeasInstructions:A. Read through the notes. B. Arrange the numbered reasons in a logical sequence. If it makes sense to you, combinethose reasons that belong together. Explain the logic behind your sequence … Read more

What are the concurrent and consecutive methods of teacher training? What are their strengths and weaknesses? What do you think are some of

What are the concurrent and consecutive methods of teacher training? What are their strengths and weaknesses? What do you think are some of Driskell, N. (n.d.) Global perspectives: How the top performing countries prepare primary teachers. National Center on Education and the Economy. Base on the above reading answer the following questions in one paragraph: … Read more

Take a few minutes to watch this video that highlights Angela Duckworth’s novel, GRIT, The Power of Passion and Perseverance.

Take a few minutes to watch this video that highlights Angela Duckworth’s novel, GRIT, The Power of Passion and Perseverance. Take a few minutes to watch this video that highlights Angela Duckworth’s novel, GRIT, The Power of Passion and Perseverance.Watch VideoGRIT by Angela Duckworth | Animated CORE MessageDuration: 6:18User: n/a – Added: 6/9/16YouTube URL: Response:  … Read more

Elevating and engaging teachers as leaders through Distributed Leadership: What is it and how can it improve school culture, and how

Elevating and engaging teachers as leaders through Distributed Leadership: What is it and how can it improve school culture, and how Elevating and engaging teachers as leaders through Distributed Leadership: What is it and how can it improve school culture, and how can it be implemented so that teachers will feel valued and elevated as … Read more

For these two responses, you may choose between the British Northern Colonies, the British Middle Colonies, the British Southern

For these two responses, you may choose between the British Northern Colonies, the British Middle Colonies, the British Southern The British Colonies in New England have always been given preference in tracing the origins of the United States of America. Growing up, all I personally ever learned about in elementary school and beyond was the … Read more

Developing an Inclusive Plan: Choose any subject area and grade level for the lesson plan you create. Consider the needs of the

Developing an Inclusive Plan: Choose any subject area and grade level for the lesson plan you create. Consider the needs of the Developing an Inclusive Plan: Choose any subject area and grade level for the lesson plan you create. Consider the needs of the population of your classroom to plan effectively for the students. If … Read more

Do you believe that workers should continue to have the right to strike? Why or why not? Should contract disputes be resolved through an

Do you believe that workers should continue to have the right to strike? Why or why not? Should contract disputes be resolved through an In the 20th Century, the right to strike has been arguably the most effective tool that Unions have when they are engaged in collective bargaining negotiations. But as the new century … Read more

Write a solution essay about a Diverse World: While at Work and Study. Do not cite from sources wiki, dictionaries, and politically

Write a solution essay about a Diverse World: While at Work and Study. Do not cite from sources wiki, dictionaries, and politically Write a solution essay about a Diverse World: While at Work and Study. Do not cite from sources wiki, dictionaries, and politically biased sites like The Daily Wire or occupy democrat Answer preview … Read more

how Egypt was before the two revolution 2011, 2013 and after and how the new president is modernizing Egypt just like Dubai, and building

how Egypt was before the two revolution 2011, 2013 and after and how the new president is modernizing Egypt just like Dubai, and building The project report must be between 5000 – 6000 words. In addition, it should have a title page, contents, and references. The project report must read, look, and feel like a … Read more

Have you seen examples of cultural appropriation? Have you seen examples where culture was integrated respectfully? How did they feel

Have you seen examples of cultural appropriation? Have you seen examples where culture was integrated respectfully? How did they feel In this video Including Indigenous Stories, Dr. Jo-ann Archibald (Stó:lō Nation) explains how stories reflect a worldview and discusses how we need to be aware of and understand protocol, context, and process when using Indigenous stories … Read more

Briefly describe the communication plan for the change project anticipated in your final paper. Using concepts from our texts, describing

Briefly describe the communication plan for the change project anticipated in your final paper. Using concepts from our texts, describing Briefly describe the communication plan for the change project anticipated in your final paper. Using concepts from our texts, describing the steps that you will use to make the communication plan successful. In other words, … Read more

Think of a situation that you witnessed regarding communication in an organizational change situation. Identify the elements of gender,

Think of a situation that you witnessed regarding communication in an organizational change situation. Identify the elements of gender, Think of a situation that you witnessed regarding communication in an organizational change situation. Identify the elements of gender, power, emotion, language and media choice that were used in the situation. Using concepts from our texts, … Read more

Identify why you chose this topic and its importance to population health. What is the history of the topic (i.e., cause)? Interpret the

Identify why you chose this topic and its importance to population health. What is the history of the topic (i.e., cause)? Interpret the CT8 – Opioid Crisis in the Somali Community youths in North America Identify why you chose this topic and its importance to population health. What is the history of the topic (i.e., … Read more

Does gender inequality remain a significant problem in the United States today? (Or, in the alternative) Do we suffer from an inherently

Does gender inequality remain a significant problem in the United States today? (Or, in the alternative) Do we suffer from an inherently 1) Does gender inequality remain a significant problem in the United States today? (Or, inthe alternative) Do we suffer from an inherently biased justice system, catering to an oldboy network of nepotism, promoting … Read more

Access and locate S.2512, introduced in the 114th Congress. a) In one sentence, what is the general subject matter of this bill?

Access and locate S.2512, introduced in the 114th Congress. a) In one sentence, what is the general subject matter of this bill? OVERVIEWThis assignment is designed to introduce you to internet legal research and to develop your skillsfor finding materials with some guidance. You will be responsible for researching andidentifying the correct websites and … Read more

Discussion Thread: Effective Execution, Design / Focus, and Decision Traps. Once a strategy has been developed, success depends on a solid

Discussion Thread: Effective Execution, Design / Focus, and Decision Traps. Once a strategy has been developed, success depends on a solid Discussion Thread: Effective Execution, Design / Focus, and Decision Traps Once a strategy has been developed, success depends on a solid process for effective execution. It is important to take the power of strategy … Read more

Is it ethical for medical facilities to impose mandatory arbitration? Is there really any bargaining over such terms?

Is it ethical for medical facilities to impose mandatory arbitration? Is there really any bargaining over such terms? Legal and Ethical Scenarios Select two of the scenarios provided below. Analyze the facts in the scenarios and develop appropriate arguments/resolutions and recommendations. Support your responses with appropriate cases, laws and other relevant examples by using at … Read more

For this assignment, you will apply key concepts from your course materials to respond to a public relations crisis.

For this assignment, you will apply key concepts from your course materials to respond to a public relations crisis. As a leader, you will face multiple crises. While you will easily weather many bad situations, there may besome that will seriously threaten your company and your reputation. How you respond to crises, especiallycrises of trust, … Read more

Discuss the Background and Essence of your chosen Transcultural Nursing theory, Model or framework. Define major concepts relevant to

Discuss the Background and Essence of your chosen Transcultural Nursing theory, Model or framework. Define major concepts relevant to For this paper, select one Nursing Cultural/Transcultural Model from those listed in the‘Transcultural Nursing Theories, Models, and Frameworks. Analyze all components of themodel, describing the strengths and weaknesses and its application to healthcare and nursingpractice, education, … Read more

Discuss potential biotech applications connected with public health measurements that will help to improve the prevention of

Discuss potential biotech applications connected with public health measurements that will help to improve the prevention of Discuss potential biotech applications connected with public health measurements that will help to improve the prevention of cerebrovascular accidents. Please provide specific examples. ( must be not more than 300 words) Answer preview for Discuss potential biotech applications … Read more

In a paper of 500-750 words, clearly identify the clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome.

In a paper of 500-750 words, clearly identify the clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome.  Review your problem or issue and the study materials to formulate a PICOT (Patient, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome and Time) question for your capstone project change proposal. A PICOT question starts with a designated patient … Read more

Write a 2 page essay about Dangers of Antibiotics like Triclosan. Analyze the essay with the five questions attached below

Write a 2 page essay about Dangers of Antibiotics like Triclosan. Analyze the essay with the five questions attached below Write a 2 page essay about Dangers of Antibiotics like Triclosan. Analyze the essay with the five questions attached below Answer preview for Write a 2 page essay about Dangers of Antibiotics like Triclosan. Analyze … Read more

What would be your response to Heinz’s Dilemma? Why? How do the different stages of moral development impact one’s view on this dilemma?

What would be your response to Heinz’s Dilemma? Why? How do the different stages of moral development impact one’s view on this dilemma? 1. What would be your response to Heinz’s Dilemma? Why?2. How do the different stages of moral development impact one’s view on thisdilemma?3. What are the different types of attachment according to … Read more

Discuss what a union would propose in an attempt to have more input on the process. What would be the advantage to the union?

Discuss what a union would propose in an attempt to have more input on the process. What would be the advantage to the union? In this assignment you will prepare a written analysis on how collective bargaining impacts an organization’s processes. Select 4 personnel process covered in Chapter 7 that in your opinion would be … Read more

What are the three most important things you learned in Social Environment of Business course? For each item, why did you consider it

What are the three most important things you learned in Social Environment of Business course? For each item, why did you consider it Social Environment of Business What are the three most important things you learned in Social Environment of Business course? For each item, why did you consider it to be most important? What … Read more

This assignment will contain questions about an essay that is titled “How to Write an Essay” (see below), and an Essay with an Outline

This assignment will contain questions about an essay that is titled “How to Write an Essay” (see below), and an Essay with an Outline This assignment will contain questions about an essay that is titled “How to Write an Essay” (see below), and an Essay with an Outline(which should have at least three points with … Read more

Write a five-paragraph essay about ONE symbol from Yerma by Federico Garcia Lorca. Your essay should explain what that symbols

Write a five-paragraph essay about ONE symbol from Yerma by Federico Garcia Lorca. Your essay should explain what that symbols Write a five-paragraph essay about ONE symbol from Yerma by Federico Garcia Lorca. Your essay should explain what that symbols means and how it affects our deeper understanding across all three acts of the play. … Read more

The purpose of this paper is for students to analyze and apply management theories presented in this class to a specific management role

The purpose of this paper is for students to analyze and apply management theories presented in this class to a specific management role The purpose of this paper is for students to analyze and apply management theories presented in this class to a specificmanagement role within an organization. Students will analyze and apply the management … Read more

Discuss with your classmates the importance of corporate culture at IDEO. What is David Kelley’s role? Use your course theory. what can you

Discuss with your classmates the importance of corporate culture at IDEO. What is David Kelley’s role? Use your course theory. what can you Chapter 8: Organizational Culture Discussion This is a discussion post, please see instructions below. Watch the following video: Discuss with your classmates the importance of corporate culture at IDEO. What is … Read more

Write an argumentative essay about The Development, Thematic Analysis, and Contributions of W. B. Yeats Early Love Poetry to Poetical

Write an argumentative essay about The Development, Thematic Analysis, and Contributions of W. B. Yeats Early Love Poetry to Poetical Write an argumentative essay about The Development, Thematic Analysis, and Contributions of W. B. Yeats Early Love Poetry to Poetical Answer preview for Write an argumentative essay about The Development, Thematic Analysis, and Contributions of … Read more

Suppose that you had only two choices about the Highest Good. Answer the question, “who has the best conception of the Highest Good?”

Suppose that you had only two choices about the Highest Good. Answer the question, “who has the best conception of the Highest Good?” Suppose that you had only two choices about the Highest Good. Answer the question, “who has the best conception of the Highest Good?” Compare two of the following philosophers or philosophical schools … Read more

The five basic modes of transportation have been available for well over 50 years. Is this the way it will always be, or can you identify

The five basic modes of transportation have been available for well over 50 years. Is this the way it will always be, or can you identify Transport is a crucial driver of economic and social development, bringing opportunities for the poor and enabling economies to be more competitive. Transport infrastructure connects people to jobs, education, … Read more

In this assignment, you will take an online personality test to measure the Big Five factors of your personality and relate this to your

In this assignment, you will take an online personality test to measure the Big Five factors of your personality and relate this to your In this assignment, you will take an online personality test to measure the Big Fivefactors of your personality and relate this to your professional career. Instructions: Takethis free online quiz to … Read more

Write a one-two sentence personal definition of organizational management. Base your definition on what you have encountered this

Write a one-two sentence personal definition of organizational management. Base your definition on what you have encountered this What is Organizational Management? Write a one-two sentence personal definition of organizational management. Base your definition on what you have encountered this week, as well as on what you have already learned about the topic. Discuss this … Read more

Relate what he says in the video transcripts to what you read in the textbook and learned in the lecture about cross-cultural conflict and

Relate what he says in the video transcripts to what you read in the textbook and learned in the lecture about cross-cultural conflict and Relate what he says in the video transcripts to what you read in the textbook and learned in the lecture about cross-cultural conflict and negotiation. What are the pitfalls, and what … Read more

Explain the reasons behind the various conflicts between the English and the Indians. How does perception of land and liberty fit into the

Explain the reasons behind the various conflicts between the English and the Indians. How does perception of land and liberty fit into the U.S. History of Slavery & Resistance 1st Essay ExamWrite one essay based on one of the following (minimum two pages): Answer preview for Explain the reasons behind the various conflicts between the … Read more

Based on the readings, what really prompted the labeling of people as illegal, and what were the consequences?

Based on the readings, what really prompted the labeling of people as illegal, and what were the consequences? Based on the readings, what really prompted the labeling of people as illegal, and what were the consequences? I have provided 3 different readings although only two readings need to be uses. ONE quote must be pulled … Read more

Read the article, What does it mean to be an ethical teacher? and Do the Right Thing. (But How?) Then answer these questions. Create

Read the article, What does it mean to be an ethical teacher? and Do the Right Thing. (But How?) Then answer these questions. Create Read the article, What does it mean to be an ethical teacher? and Do the Right Thing. (But How?) Then answer these questions. Create a reflection on where you are now … Read more

Write a film analysis on Haruki Murakami’s barn burning article, Lee Cangdong’s changed movie Burning and Drive My Car by Haruki

Write a film analysis on Haruki Murakami’s barn burning article, Lee Cangdong’s changed movie Burning and Drive My Car by Haruki  Write a film analysis on Haruki Murakami’s barn burning article, Lee Cangdong’s changed movie Burning and Drive My Car by Haruki Murakami, Ryusuke Hamaguchi’s changed movie Drive My Car Answer preview for Write a … Read more

Comment on the way in which “Dover Beach” uses 19th century ideas about women and male-female relationships as a way of

Comment on the way in which “Dover Beach” uses 19th century ideas about women and male-female relationships as a way of Comment on the way in which “Dover Beach” uses 19th century ideas about women and male-female relationships as a way of addressing the Victorian thus of faith Review the material on feminism and/or new … Read more

This discussion forum is in response to the first two episodes of Rest in Power. After watching the videos, articulate your gut reaction to

This discussion forum is in response to the first two episodes of Rest in Power. After watching the videos, articulate your gut reaction to This discussion forum is in response to the first two episodes of Rest in Power. After watching the videos, articulate your gut reaction to this incident. Be specific about factors that … Read more

This assignment is designed to introduce you to internet legal research and to develop your skills for finding materials with some guidance

This assignment is designed to introduce you to internet legal research and to develop your skills for finding materials with some guidance SECONDARY SOURCES: INTERNET ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEWThis assignment is designed to introduce you to internet legal research and to develop your skillsfor finding materials with some guidance. You will be responsible for researching andidentifying … Read more

How cyberbullying causes depression in teens. 3 pages, double-spaced• Times New Roman or Arial font, size 12

How cyberbullying causes depression in teens. 3 pages

What are the five key objectives to use Agile Project Management? and what are the factors that impact and Agile project performance

What are the five key objectives to use Agile Project Management? and what are the factors that impact and Agile project performance What are the five key objectives to use Agile Project Management? and what are the factors that impact and Agile project performance/ success? Answer preview for What are the five key objectives to … Read more

Explain how critically analyzing diversity adds value to interactions with people in a variety of contexts. Think about ways in which

Explain how critically analyzing diversity adds value to interactions with people in a variety of contexts. Think about ways in which DirectionsIn this activity, you will work on the second part of the reflection section of your project. You should consider the feedback from your instructor on the previous activity and use your responses to … Read more

develop a learning activity that includes these key features of multicultural education: How does your learning activity incorporate content

develop a learning activity that includes these key features of multicultural education: How does your learning activity incorporate content Today’s classrooms are diverse and you will be expected to meet the needs of all of your students. Many of our students come from different cultures, which affects how they learn. We must take this into … Read more

Need a Value Added Comment (VAC) based on the attached country profile. It must be based upon one of the following three options:

Need a Value Added Comment (VAC) based on the attached country profile. It must be based upon one of the following three options: Need a Value Added Comment (VAC) based on the attached country profile. It must be based upon one of the following three options: 1. A current event that has occurred within the … Read more

If America treated their drug users the way the Philippines does, how would this change your own life? Do you agree with Portugal’s stance on

If America treated their drug users the way the Philippines does, how would this change your own life? Do you agree with Portugal’s stance on 1. Original 250-300 word response should include answers to the following:    1.What was one thing the stood out to you? How did it make you feel?     2. … Read more

Reflect on what you have learned and experienced throughout this diversity course. Describe the ways in which your definition of diversity

Reflect on what you have learned and experienced throughout this diversity course. Describe the ways in which your definition of diversity Reflect on what you have learned and experienced throughout this diversity course.Describe the ways in which your definition of diversity has changed.How do you see your shifting awareness of diversity affecting your future? Answer … Read more

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