Suppose that you had only two choices about the Highest Good. Answer the question, “who has the best conception of the Highest Good?”

Suppose that you had only two choices about the Highest Good. Answer the question, “who has the best conception of the Highest Good?”

Suppose that you had only two choices about the Highest Good. Answer the question, “who has the best conception of the Highest Good?” Compare two of the following philosophers or philosophical schools and say why one is better than the other.
–Choose two of the following ethical theories, Jesus and Christian ethics, Aristotle’s ethics, Kant’s ethics, Utilitarianism— Mill’s ethics.

Answer preview for Suppose that you had only two choices about the Highest Good. Answer the question, “who has the best conception of the Highest Good?”

Suppose that you had only two choices about the Highest Good. Answer the question, "who has the best conception of the Highest Good?"


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