Browse Questions

How did the Dred Scott decision escalate tensions between North and South over slavery and its expansion westward?

How did the Dred Scott decision escalate tensions between North and South over slavery and its expansion westward? Please answer each of the following questions in 150 to 200 words, and submit your responses as an attachment in Word format:1. How did the Dred Scott decision escalate tensions between North and South over slavery and … Read more

Unit 1 Assignment: Every Kid Needs a Champion and an Advocate. Ensure that your paper is grammatically correct. APA (edition “APA 7”)

Unit 1 Assignment: Every Kid Needs a Champion and an Advocate. Ensure that your paper is grammatically correct. APA (edition “APA 7”) Unit 1 Assignment: Every Kid Needs a Champion and an Advocate. Ensure that your paper is grammatically correct. APA (edition “APA 7”) Answer preview for Unit 1 Assignment: Every Kid Needs a Champion … Read more

Book review on The Anglo-Saxons: A History of the Beginnings of England Book by Marc Morris. The total length should be approximately 5

Book review on The Anglo-Saxons: A History of the Beginnings of England Book by Marc Morris. The total length should be approximately 5 Book review on The Anglo-Saxons: A History of the Beginnings of England Book by Marc Morris Writing the Essay The total length should be approximately 5 typed, double-spaced pages (minimum), standard font … Read more

In this assignment, you will practice engaging and expressing your creativity by making a personal Hand Art Creation. You will also write a

In this assignment, you will practice engaging and expressing your creativity by making a personal Hand Art Creation. You will also write a Teachers must recognize and value creativity in themselves to create activities and build environments that foster creativity. In this assignment, you will practice engaging and expressing your creativity by making a personal … Read more

How can the traffic problem in London be solved in the next 5-6 years with the budget to the municipality being 10 billion Euros?

How can the traffic problem in London be solved in the next 5-6 years with the budget to the municipality being 10 billion Euros? How can the traffic problem in London be solved in the next 5-6 years with the budget to the municipality being 10 billion Euros? Please create an issue tree for «London’s … Read more

how biases held by law enforcement officers can result in the use of excessive force and the mistreatment of minority groups when they

how biases held by law enforcement officers can result in the use of excessive force and the mistreatment of minority groups when they For this assignment you will provide an overview of your prejudice research essay and create arough outline for the 1000 word essayPart 1 – Overview Answer preview for how biases held by … Read more

Write a story from your life involving a technology. Re-write that story from a different character or object’s perspective.

Write a story from your life involving a technology. Re-write that story from a different character or object’s perspective. Journal #1 Write a story from your life involving a technology. Journal #2 Re-write that story from a different character or object’s perspective. Journal #3 Re-write the story again in the format of Time Capsule Found … Read more

You should prepare and submit a referenced, critical reflective essay focused clearly on an aspect of group working that you experienced

You should prepare and submit a referenced, critical reflective essay focused clearly on an aspect of group working that you experienced You should prepare and submit a referenced, critical reflective essay of 1000 ( 10%) focused clearly on an aspect of group working that you experienced whilst preparing your group presentation, such as a group … Read more

What is Wayne Sumner’s account of well-being? Why does he think that it is superior to other accounts? Critically assess some aspect of his

What is Wayne Sumner’s account of well-being? Why does he think that it is superior to other accounts? Critically assess some aspect of his Instructions: For this assignment, compose an essay – with an introduction, conclusion, proper paragraph structure, etc. – Also include a separate Works Cited page at the end of your essay (see … Read more

Modem Slavery Act and its connection to the Australian economy Submit your response using the link that is available on Moodle

Modem Slavery Act and its connection to the Australian economy Submit your response using the link that is available on Moodle Week 9: Modem Slavery Act and its connection to the Australian economy Submit your response using the link that is available on Moodle by Monday 11am of week 9. Read the article listed and … Read more

Create a communication plan as a change leader to help manage communication about the organizational change identified in the Organizational

Create a communication plan as a change leader to help manage communication about the organizational change identified in the Organizational Create a communication plan as a change leader to help manage communication about the organizationalchange identified in the Organizational Change Process Learning Team project. Address the following when designing your communication plan:o Objectives of the … Read more

6 slides on a poet of choice: Introduce the poet’s background. How is the poet’s biography tied to his or her  poetry? 

6 slides on a poet of choice: Introduce the poet’s background. How is the poet’s biography tied to his or her  poetry?  POETRY SLIDES  6 slides on a poet of choice  1. Introduce the poet’s background (cite in-text source) How is the poet’s biography tied to his or her  poetry? 2. Have a slide on the poet’s … Read more

Your assignment is to write an explication of a poem. (An explication is a detailed analysis of the meaning of a poem. The Latin word

Your assignment is to write an explication of a poem. (An explication is a detailed analysis of the meaning of a poem. The Latin word Your assignment is to write an explication of a poem. (An explication is a detailed analysis of the meaning of a poem. The Latin word from which the verb “to … Read more

For the Composition II Research Project, you will create an original thesis based on a work of fiction or poetry from the course.

For the Composition II Research Project, you will create an original thesis based on a work of fiction or poetry from the course. For the Composition II Research Project, you will create an original thesis based on a work offiction or poetry from the course.Here are some questions to help you form an original thesis:● … Read more

Just dive deep on how snakes symbolically represent a lot more than evil, destruction, and death. (Ex: creation, rebirth, knowledge, etc.)

Just dive deep on how snakes symbolically represent a lot more than evil, destruction, and death. (Ex: creation, rebirth, knowledge, etc.) English, Literature & Philology Just dive deep on how snakes symbolically represent a lot more than evil, destruction, and death. (Ex: creation, rebirth, knowledge, etc.) Answer preview for Just dive deep on how snakes … Read more

You have read Cooking Time and The Wretched and the Beautiful. You may choose to compare/contrast any of these three stories and/or the one

You have read Cooking Time and The Wretched and the Beautiful. You may choose to compare/contrast any of these three stories and/or the one You have read Cooking Time and The Wretched and the Beautiful. You may choose to compare/contrastany of these three stories and/or the one poem in order to write your essay. Before … Read more

You are to write an in-depth essay that critically analyzes a text (a film, novel, poem, song, TV show, etc.). Explain some of the cultural

You are to write an in-depth essay that critically analyzes a text (a film, novel, poem, song, TV show, etc.). Explain some of the cultural The purpose of the “final paper” is to reflect over the last 16 weeks as a means of analyzing the basic concepts, theories and processes relevant to the study of … Read more

How has your awareness of diversity and inclusion prepared you for engaging in the multicultural business world (Please explain how you have

How has your awareness of diversity and inclusion prepared you for engaging in the multicultural business world (Please explain how you have Students are required to submit a reflection paper of no more than 1000 words that summarizes their conclusions on: 1) How has your awareness of diversity and inclusion prepared you for engaging in … Read more

Explain the theories of Peter Brown about saints and ascetics as revered patrons for their followers and apply them to the life of Mary of

Explain the theories of Peter Brown about saints and ascetics as revered patrons for their followers and apply them to the life of Mary of Below please find the questions for the final exam. You are expected to write an essayof about 2 pages (single-spaced or 1000 words) for each question. You have toanswer both … Read more

Write an introduction that, in your own words, includes a definition of the term medical malpractice. Provide at least one example of the

Write an introduction that, in your own words, includes a definition of the term medical malpractice. Provide at least one example of the Research the term medical malpractice. Based on your findings, write an essay that addresses the following elements. Write an introduction that, in your own words, includes a definition of the term medical … Read more

The principal (boss) wants you to present some new, creative ideas about how to encourage the integration of quality online classes

The principal (boss) wants you to present some new, creative ideas about how to encourage the integration of quality online classes The principal (boss) wants you to present some new, creative ideas about how to encourage the integration of quality online classes (trainings) to three specific constituencies: (1) teachers (staff); (2) students (admin); and (3) … Read more

VIDEO VIEWING: Identification of Time within a dance phrase and throughout the piece? Identification of Space within a dance phrase and

VIDEO VIEWING: Identification of Time within a dance phrase and throughout the piece? Identification of Space within a dance phrase and Video View Essay Custom topic: GUIDELINES FOR VIDEO VIEWING ESSAY 1) Reporting/Introduction 10 points Who, what, when, where, why are fully coveredPaper should begin with an Introduction paragraph. 2)      Technical Writing (Identification of … Read more

Analyze the implementation of organizational change in your chosen case study using a “conversational” or a “contextual” conceptual framework.

Analyze the implementation of organizational change in your chosen case study using a “conversational” or a “contextual” conceptual framework. Analyze the implementation of organizational change in your chosen case study using a “conversational” or a “contextual” conceptual framework.Then, you pick out five points from the case study and link them to change theory or other … Read more

Define the link between digital finance, blockchain and smart contracts. Explain the link between crypto assets and supply chain finance

Define the link between digital finance, blockchain and smart contracts. Explain the link between crypto assets and supply chain finance Assessment 2: Take Away Paper (TAP) Candidate Number: [Remember, do not include your name]For this Take Away Paper (TAP) you will be required to answer 4 questions. Yourresponses should be based on the case of … Read more

Write Flowers v. Mississippi (2019) case brief. Case briefs should include the following with subheadings: 1) facts of the case; 2) the main

Write Flowers v. Mississippi (2019) case brief. Case briefs should include the following with subheadings: 1) facts of the case; 2) the main Write Flowers v. Mississippi (2019) case brief. Case briefs should include the following with subheadings: 1) facts of the case; 2) the main legal issues in dispute; 3) the arguments on both … Read more

Choose a publicly listed company (does not have to be US-based) and one of its business segments. You are allowed to cover a private company,

Choose a publicly listed company (does not have to be US-based) and one of its business segments. You are allowed to cover a private company, ● Choose a publicly listed company (does not have to be US-based) and one of its business segments. ● You are allowed to cover a private company, however, it will … Read more

What would you recommend Anna do in this situation? Ground your recommendation in any applicable section of your profession’s code of Ethics.

What would you recommend Anna do in this situation? Ground your recommendation in any applicable section of your profession’s code of Ethics. Answer preview for What would you recommend Anna do in this situation? Ground your recommendation in any applicable section of your profession’s code of Ethics. APA 560 Words

The topic of this paper is researching and conducting a literature review on rational emotive therapy. Important areas to include are:

The topic of this paper is researching and conducting a literature review on rational emotive therapy. Important areas to include are: Write a 6-page APA style paper (double-spaced) with 5 cited sources. The topic of this paper is researching and conducting a literature review on rational emotive therapy. Important areas to include are: When was … Read more

Apply the knowledge you learned from Chapters 1-3, Chapters 8-10 and possibly other chapters to understand the impact of coronavirus on the

Apply the knowledge you learned from Chapters 1-3, Chapters 8-10 and possibly other chapters to understand the impact of coronavirus on the Option 1: COVID-19 and the fragile global supply chainAs MNCs heavily rely on parts and component and many other products fromdifferent countries, the disruption of global supply chain caused by COVID-19 is forcingthem … Read more

Problem analysis: The problem I will be addressing in my final paper is the lack of information and documented evidence to support the use

Problem analysis: The problem I will be addressing in my final paper is the lack of information and documented evidence to support the use Problem analysis: The problem I will be addressing in my final paper is the lack of information and documented evidence to support the use of holistic medicine, for example the use … Read more

Through an online search or other means, identify a data breach incident during the COVID-19 pandemic at a health care organization of your

Through an online search or other means, identify a data breach incident during the COVID-19 pandemic at a health care organization of your HIM 6019 Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care Individual Research Report # 2 Health IT Law, Privacy and Security Report COVID-19 Related Cybersecurity Breaches Background: Health care organizations are vulnerable to … Read more

An argumentative paper discussing why insurances should cover gender dysphoria treatment. Some topics to cover include: Medical benefits

An argumentative paper discussing why insurances should cover gender dysphoria treatment. Some topics to cover include: Medical benefits An argumentative paper discussing why insurances should cover gender dysphoria treatment. (some resources attached) Some topics to cover include: Medical benefits/necessities, cost, ethical considerations, negative effects on children. An opening paragraph that states a clear thesis that … Read more

Write an article that discusses a culture outside the US which is enough to help you discuss internal and external factors. Article that talks

Write an article that discusses a culture outside the US which is enough to help you discuss internal and external factors. Article that talks Write an article that discusses a culture outside the US which is enough to help you discuss internal and external factors. Article that talks about how a food culture is changing … Read more

Discuss stylistically appropriate writing strategies for various audiences, subjects, and purposes• Interpret the writing process as a means

Discuss stylistically appropriate writing strategies for various audiences, subjects, and purposes• Interpret the writing process as a means In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:• Discuss stylistically appropriate writing strategies for various audiences, subjects, and purposes• Interpret the writing process as a means for generating ideas, drafting, and revising … Read more

Who is a bad leader: (Differences between leadership and non-leadership roles)- Good leader (explain what a leader is, the concepts of

Who is a bad leader: (Differences between leadership and non-leadership roles)- Good leader (explain what a leader is, the concepts of 1- Who is a bad leader: (Differences between leadership and non-leadership roles) 2- Adolf Hitler or one of choice. 3- Good leader (explain what a leader is, the concepts of leadership role, authorities, and … Read more

Business report writing. Write in a professional business style, not an academic style, with no first person

Business report writing. Write in a professional business style, not an academic style, with no first person Business report writing. Assignment is found on page 677-679 of Robbins and Judge (2018). Answer all parts of the 6 questions CC-11-CC-16. Important: As explained in the book, a professional format is required (e.g., business style report). For … Read more

Choose a piece of art or music and explain how it makes you feel. Tell about the most inspirational person in your life. What is your happiest

Choose a piece of art or music and explain how it makes you feel. Tell about the most inspirational person in your life. What is your happiest Your final exam will consist of a short essay that will be submitted in MLA format. Youmay pick from one of the following three topics below:1.Choose a piece … Read more

Please use Chapter Twelve Case Study to write the paper. CHAP12-JetBlue and WestJet: A Tale of Two Software Implementations (p. 381)

Please use Chapter Twelve Case Study to write the paper. CHAP12-JetBlue and WestJet: A Tale of Two Software Implementations (p. 381) Please use Chapter Twelve Case Study to write the paper. CHAP12-JetBlue and WestJet: A Tale of Two Software Implementations (p. 381) Write a 3-5-page APA formatted paper that reviews the selected case study and … Read more

MULTIGENRE ADVOCACY CAMPAIGN:-Did your peer follow the conventions and style for their chosen genre? In other words, an opinion piece

MULTIGENRE ADVOCACY CAMPAIGN:-Did your peer follow the conventions and style for their chosen genre? In other words, an opinion piece MULTIGENRE ADVOCACY CAMPAIGN:-Did your peer follow the conventions and style for their chosen genre? In other words, an opinion piece should read and look like an opinion piece, etc. What conventions did you notice that … Read more

Find at least five newspaper or magazine articles or news clips dealing with deviance/crime/criminal justice. Examples of appropriate articles

Find at least five newspaper or magazine articles or news clips dealing with deviance/crime/criminal justice. Examples of appropriate articles Find at least five newspaper or magazine articles or news clips dealing with deviance/crime/criminal justice. Examples of appropriate articles include: new stories about specific incidents, stories about issues or controversies related to deviance/crime/criminal justice, editorials about … Read more

write an outline for a paper about small business planning. You make an outline to help keep you on track when formulating your argument

write an outline for a paper about small business planning. You make an outline to help keep you on track when formulating your argument please write an outline for a paper about small business planning. You make an outline to help keep you on track when formulating your argument. You will be graded on the … Read more

At the end of each week, you are responsible for writing a 1-2 page overview/report of your activities during your time spent on property that

At the end of each week, you are responsible for writing a 1-2 page overview/report of your activities during your time spent on property that You should be conducting these management interviews/labs on a weekly basis according to the lab times you have signed up for during class. At the end of each week, you … Read more

What leadership style will you employ to build respect and trust among employees and your direct reports? What behaviors will you employ to

What leadership style will you employ to build respect and trust among employees and your direct reports? What behaviors will you employ to You are a new leader replacing a long-term executive terminated for inappropriate behavior. You have a large team of over 500 employees and four supervisors who report directly to you. Morale is … Read more

Brief explanation of what spina bífida is , what causes it and the role folic acid plays. how many people it affects and why this research

Brief explanation of what spina bífida is , what causes it and the role folic acid plays. how many people it affects and why this research Answer preview for Brief explanation of what spina bífida is , what causes it and the role folic acid plays. how many people it affects and why this research … Read more

Who are the Geechee and why is rice so important to them? Who are the Hadza and how do they acquire their food? How are they different from

Who are the Geechee and why is rice so important to them? Who are the Hadza and how do they acquire their food? How are they different from The Geechee a. Who are the Geechee and why is rice so important to them? ——————————————————————— hand that stirred the pot: a. What are “variety meats?”———————————————————-Tanzania: … Read more

Write Madison v. Alabama (2019) case brief Case briefs should include the following with subheadings: 1) facts of the case; 2) the main legal

Write Madison v. Alabama (2019) case brief Case briefs should include the following with subheadings: 1) facts of the case; 2) the main legal Write Madison v. Alabama (2019) case brief Case briefs should include the following with subheadings: 1) facts of the case; 2) the main legal issues in dispute; 3) the arguments on … Read more

Describe your experience using the OD process. What makes this process beneficial to the organization? What value would OD bring to the

Describe your experience using the OD process. What makes this process beneficial to the organization? What value would OD bring to the Reflect on the changes needed in the organization that you chose for your final project, and explain what you learned through this experience. Use the organizational development (OD) process learning model to guide … Read more

Listen to the podcast Revisionist History Episode 13 Miss Buchanan’s Period of Adjustment. What are three things that caught your attention.

Listen to the podcast Revisionist History Episode 13 Miss Buchanan’s Period of Adjustment. What are three things that caught your attention. Listen to the podcast Revisionist History Episode 13 Miss Buchanan’s Period of Adjustment. What are three things that caught your attention.Why did they impact you? Podcast Link below point of this assignment was … Read more

How is it possible that employee referral programs, which often include the payment of signing bonuses and finder’s fees, can often generate

How is it possible that employee referral programs, which often include the payment of signing bonuses and finder’s fees, can often generate How is it possible that employee referral programs, which often include the payment of signing bonuses and finder’s fees, can often generate the lowest cost-per-hire of all recruiting practices? Discuss the advantages and … Read more

For the paper proposal, please write a 500 word proposal that addresses the research question “How have state-level restrictions on abortion

For the paper proposal, please write a 500 word proposal that addresses the research question “How have state-level restrictions on abortion For the paper proposal, please write a 500 word proposal that addresses the research question “How have state-level restrictions on abortion and access to contraception evolved in recent years, and what is the impact … Read more

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