Explain the theories of Peter Brown about saints and ascetics as revered patrons for their followers and apply them to the life of Mary of

Explain the theories of Peter Brown about saints and ascetics as revered patrons for their followers and apply them to the life of Mary of

Below please find the questions for the final exam. You are expected to write an essay
of about 2 pages (single-spaced or 1000 words) for each question. You have to
answer both questions. If you wish to write your answers in French, you are welcome
to do so.
Write as if you were explaining the topics to a friend who knows nothing about the
subject. Don’t expect the professor or teaching assistant to fill in your missing sentences
and thoughts. Use examples from the readings we have covered. Please be aware that
the following questions require you to exercise your power of synthesizing the materials
you studied.
1) Explain the theories of Peter Brown about saints and ascetics as revered patrons
for their followers and apply them to the life of Mary of Egypt as a powerful
symbol of Christian asceticism.
2) Explain the relationships between church and emperor in the East and West in
the fourth and fifth centuries

Answer preview for Explain the theories of Peter Brown about saints and ascetics as revered patrons for their followers and apply them to the life of Mary of

Explain the theories of Peter Brown about saints and ascetics as revered patrons for their followers and apply them to the life of Mary of


2209 Words

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