Insanity as a Defense Mechanism in Criminology

Insanity as a Defense Mechanism in Criminology

Topic- insanity as a defense mechanism in criminology- apa and in cite quotes, reference page see attachments

At this point you have completed your initial research outline and completed your literature review. The next step is to write your first draft. Now that you have reviewed the pertinent literature regarding your topic, it’s time to organize your thoughts and explain your findings. Your draft should incorporate your arguments using your references as support.

The style of your paper can vary depending on your research design. For a secondary data research paper, it’s helpful to break down your paper into sections. You should begin with a table of contents that shows the different sections of your paper. Once you have outlined the flow of the research, a solid introduction should follow. Your introduction will introduce the reader to the topic as well as give an overview of your topic. Your thesis statement and hypothesis should also be included within your introduction.

After the introduction should come the data. In your data section, you should first outline the issue at hand. For example, for my assault weapon ban research paper, I would first want to argue that a problem exists (it’s difficult to argue for change without explaining the need first). I would use data that indicates an increase of violent crime and correlate that with the use/purchase of these weapons. Once you have established a strong foundation, you incorporate your research findings to strengthen the different arguments you are making.

After the data and research arguments, you conclude your paper with a summary of the findings. Using your strongest arguments, you wrap up your paper by summarizing the findings and again emphasizing your hypothesis. Your paper should also include your literature review (depending on the style of your paper, you can include your literature review before the research arguments or after). Your reference page should be at the very end of your paper.

*One final note on your initial draft- it should not be considered a rough draft. Your initial draft should be written as though you are submitting it as a final draft. Submitting your best work first allows for your final draft to be even better.




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