In the synthesis paper you presented the conversation around your topic ‘global warming’. For your research paper you must now insert

In the synthesis paper you presented the conversation around your topic ‘global warming’. For your research paper you must now insert

In the synthesis paper you presented the conversation around your topic ‘global warming‘. For your
research paper you must now insert yourself into the conversation. This project asks you
to research a topic and develop an argument around an element of the topic. Three
ways scholarly arguments tend to pitch their contribution to the conversation are
correcting-misinterpretations, filling-the-gap, and modifying-what-others-have-said. You
are welcome to follow these patterns or discuss your position in some other way. The
topic is of your own choosing. You should use the research you have already done from
your synthesis paper. However, if in the course of writing your synthesis paper you
found that you wanted to change topics you can change your topic for the research
paper if you are willing to do new research for it.

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