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Stay informed of current issues that may impact your learning process. For this assignment you will develop a 500 to 800 word academic paper to address current trends

Stay informed of current issues that may impact your learning process. For this assignment you will develop a 500 to 800 word academic paper to address current trends and potential issues in the area of distance education. If you need clarity about the purpose and features of academic writing or the APA writing style, please review the videos below.

Assignment Details

  • Read the 3 articles provided in this module under Course Readings. You may also conduct additional research of your own using Google Scholar. Be sure to use relevant sources that are no more than 5 years old.
    1. Distance Learning: Prediction and Possibilities (Traxler, 2018).
    2. Online Education Worldwide Status Challenges, Trends and Implications (Palvia et al., 2018).
    3. Prospects, Problems, and Ways to Improve Distance Learning of Students of Higher Educational Institutions (Kryshtanovych et al., 2020).

The content of your paper should include the following:

  • Title Page (5 Points)
    • Title of Paper – Trends and Issues in Distance Education
    • Student Name – First and Last
    • Course Name – APT 502: Distance Education
    • University Name – Alabama State University
    • Date – Month, Date, Year
  • Introduction (10 Points) – In 6 to 10 sentences, define distance education and discuss the history and evolution of distance education. Provide at least 1 in-text citation to support the definition provided.
  • Body (60 Points) – Include three different paragraphs to discuss (1) at least two trends in distance education from your reading and/or research, (2) at least two challenges in distance education identified from your reading and/or research, and (3) elaborate on how these trends and challenges currently impact you as a distance learner. Each paragraph should contain 5 to 8 sentences and an in-text citation within each paragraph to support your statements.
  • Conclusion and Recommendations (15 Points) – In 6 to 10 sentences, discuss the future implications (either potential benefits or challenges) for the field of distance education in both education and industry. Provide at least one recommendation for future research that would advance the field of distance education.
  • Reference Page (10 Points) – Provide at least 3 references using APA 7th edition guidelines.

Additional Notes

  • Your paper will be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin. Papers containing high-levels of flagged plagiarism will received a grade of 0, with one resubmit.
  • Your paper should be doubled spaced, typed in Times New Roman using a font size of 12.
  • Use short, concise, and to-the-point statements. Avoid long, wordy, or awkward sentences to “fill up” word count.
  • Avoid the use of contractions and first person point of view.
  • Do not use quotation marks (” “) when summarizing or paraphrasing referenced information. Only use quotations when you are directly stating information word-for-word from a reference.
  • Upload and submit your assignment in Canvas on Friday, December 2, 2022 by 11:59 PM.


Requirements: 500-800 words


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