-Select three different businesses from different industries, such as a hospitality business (hotel, restaurant, fitness center), a manufacturing company, and a not-for-profit business. Perform a SWOT analysis for each business.
2-Perform a quick PESTEL analysis of the companies listed below. What is the largest risk for each of the companies? Assume that you had $100,000 to invest in one of more of these companies. Explain how you would allocate your investment and why you chose this particular allocation.
c.General Motors
Introduction The role of an essay outline in academic writing. How writing an outline contributes…
Introduction Academic writing is a critical skill for students across various disciplines. It requires not…
In the era of artificial intelligence, ensuring originality in academic work has become more challenging…
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IntroductionWriting SOAP notes is an essential skill for medical students and professionals alike, especially when…
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