Your project may use any combination of data analysis techniques, data-mining algorithms and software that has been covered in the module.

Your project may use any combination of data analysis techniques, data-mining algorithms and software that has been covered in the module.

Your project may use any combination of data analysis techniques, data-mining
algorithms and software that has been covered in the module. You may also apply
them to any aspect(s) of the dataset for knowledge discovery.
You should cover the areas indicated below and your findings should be presented
in the form of a report no more than 2400 word. You will also be expected to give a
5-minute oral presentation. The presentation is compulsory, students who do
not attend will fail this coursework.
Please see below the aspects that you should consider:
Individual Report
Data Analysis and Visualisation (35 marks)
 Initial analysis of the data using visualisation techniques within Tableau (use
diagrams/graphs to highlight important patterns/findings).
 Discussion and interpretation of result.
 Discussion of overall trends and patterns observed.
 Selection of Data Mining Algorithm (10 marks)
 Select one data mining algorithm suitable for further analysis of your data.
 Clearly justify your choice, with reference to the visualisation analysis carried
 Data Pre-processing (10 marks)
 Identify your input and class variables, if relevant (i.e. which variable are you
going to consider for your class variables).
 Identify and resolve any anomalies in the data (i.e. missing values, outliers
 Carry out any appropriate pre-processing/transformations to the data set.
 Data Mining (25 marks)
 Use the chosen data mining algorithm for further analysis of your pre-
processed data set.
 Clearly discuss the implementation of the data mining algorithm.
 Discuss and interpret the results.
 Data Ethics (10 marks)
 A discussion of data ethical issues related to the analysis and use of business

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2473 Words

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