You will create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses “How Leaders Impact Organizational Culture and Employee Satisfaction.”

You will create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses “How Leaders Impact Organizational Culture and Employee Satisfaction.”

Learning Goal: I’m working on a management writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Research has shown over and over again that people will work harder and perform better when they are treated with respect, care, and empathy. So why is this still lacking in many organizations? Why are “leaders” still using their legitimate power of their management position to motivate with fear rather than inspiring people toward a common goal?

In your current role as a leadership training consultant, this is the question you continue to ask yourself. This is the question you will address at an upcoming leadership conference that will host over 100 C.E.O.s and senior executives who are looking to make cultural changes in their organizations.

You will create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses “How Leaders Impact Organizational Culture and Employee Satisfaction.”

The presentation will include 5 slides (minimum), along with speaker notes that fully address the following points:

  1. Title Page: Introduction to the Presentation in the speaker notes section (1 slide)
  2. How Leadership Style, Skills, Behavior, and Characteristics impact Organizational Culture (1 slide minimum)
  3. Identify 4 Leadership Traits that positively impact Employee Satisfaction (1 slide minimum)
  4. Explain the Impact that Satisfied employees have on an organization (1 slide minimum)
  5. Conclusion Slide: Final thoughts and conclusion of presentation (1 slide minimum)

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