You are expected to write a reflective report to an industry client that discusses the opportunities and limitations of virtual reality to

You are expected to write a reflective report to an industry client that discusses the opportunities and limitations of virtual reality to

You are expected to write a reflective report to an industry client that discusses the opportunities and limitations of virtual reality to solve a relevant problem for that organization. The report should follow the structure below, and clearly identify the client and proposed application area for VR or AR. The discussion portion of your reflective report should draw on the readings, the lectures, and material you find yourself. The report should indicate a critical understanding of the opportunities and limitations of VR or AR,  their applicability to different industry problems, and your ability to communicate that to an industry client. 

With this assignment you should imagine that you have been contracted by an organisation to objectively investigate whether they should invest in Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality to solve a business problem or to help them better achieve one of their business goals. Recommended Structure of your Report for your Industry Client

Part One: Introduction (~150 words)

The introduction should briefly outline the structure of the report, who the client is, what the problem/goal is, and what you recommend/conclude. 

Part Two: Client Description (~200 words) 

Provide a brief description of the organisation you are writing for and why VR/AR is relevant to them. This section provides background and context for your examiner.

Part Three: Problem or Goal for Business (~300 words)

Provide a description of the problem or goal for your organisation that you are discussing. You should consider providing detail here that will support your recommendation, such as what they might currently be doing, how effective this might be, how the market is changing over the next few years, or even possibly offering a critique of the organisation in some way. This section should set up the next, where you propose and discuss VR/AR.

Part Four: Reflective Discussion (~850 words)

I recommend splitting this section into three parts.

1) Summary of the Strengths and Weaknesses of VR or AR: Your audience is someone who knows what VR/AR is, but does not know what to make of it. You should therefore give them an overview, drawing on the lectures, readings and reflecting on your hands-on experiences, about what the strengths and weaknesses of VR/AR are in your opinion. 

2) Proposal for a VR/AR Solution: You should then describe what a VR/AR solution to their problem or business goal might look like. This could be a an existing product or modification to an existing product (you will have to research current VR/AR applications to find it) or a product you propose they should develop (you will have to research current VR/AR applications to make sure that it doesn’t already exist). You can include up to two images in the report to support the description of your concept and what the experience would be like. 

3) Critical Discussion of the VR/AR Solution: You should critically reflect on the strengths and limitations of your VR/AR concept and why this solution is appropriate for the organisation. Make sure that this connects to part three, and your description of the problem/goal for the organisation and what they are currently doing. Avoid the type of VR/AR ‘hype’ that we have critiqued in the tutorials and lectures. Your audience will want to see a balanced recommendation. 

Other Tips

Your report should be written for a non-academic audience, but the reflective discussion should include references that draw on material covered in the lectures and readings, as well as other sources you have researched yourself. The report needs to clearly set out the client, the problem or business goal that you are proposing VR/AR can solve, and present a critical discussion of the benefits and limits of VR/AR for this business. 

The report should propose a realistic use of current VR/AR technology for an organisation. It can make the argument that VR/AR is not the solution to this problem for an organisation, but if you do this you need to prove that someone is proposing VR/AR as a solution to that kind of problem (such as a start-up selling products for that purpose).

The audience for the essay is an ‘intelligent reader’ who knows what VR/AR is, but does not really know what to make of it (that is why they have asked you for your report!), i.e. the typical academic essay audience. Hence students will need to explain key terms and theories, etc. and write in an academic but accessible manner.

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