Write Two (2) commentaries, each one of 750–850 words, based on a published “macro-economic” article from the news media. It is very

Write Two (2) commentaries, each one of 750–850 words, based on a published “macro-economic” article from the news media. It is very

Write Two (2) commentaries, each one of 750–850 words, based on a published “macro-economic” article from the news media. It is very important that your commentary

shows your own line of (economic) reasoning and NOT simply a summary of the article
or Sloman.
The commentaries must:
‒ Explain the linkages between each one of the articles and a macro-economic theory taken

from (part of) a chapter of Sloman (which has to be part of the literature of Macro-
economics – i.e. Ch 1, Ch2, Ch 3.1, Ch15, Ch20 or Ch24).

‒ Each article has to be linked to a different section or chapter of Sloman.
‒ Demonstrate economic insights into the implications of the article (that is, it should provide
evidence of your ability to evaluate current events from the point of view of an economist).

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