Write down your feeling. How do actor’s performance in the silent films? How about this movie? Why does Roy Batty drive a nail thru his own

Write down your feeling. How do actor’s performance in the silent films? How about this movie? Why does Roy Batty drive a nail thru his own

Five journals, each of these need 300 words. Write down your opinion after you saw these
movies. Use each of the question blew the movie title.

Thecabinetof Dr.Caligari (silent movies)

  1. Write down your feeling. How do actor’s performance in the silent films? How about
    this movie?
    Blade Runner (1982) or Blade Runner: The Final cut, which is basically the director’s cut, don’t
    watch Blade Runner 2049
  2. Why does Roy Batty drive a nail thru his own palm in one of the last scenes? Why does
    he carry a dove when he jumps between the building?
    The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
  3. Which story did you like best? Which least?
    Corpse Bride
  4. How do you interpret the ending where Emily turns into a cloud of butterflies?
    King Kong(1933) & King Kong(2005) it’s directed by Peter Jackson and stars Jack Black, Naomi
    Watts, ect.
  5. Make note of significant change from the old one o the new one. Which work best?
    What is the best about each movie?

Paper Essay
Choose two of these five movies for comparison and analyze it. Use MLA format, Five page
minimum, double space, have one-inch margins, and be written in 12-point font.

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