Write an essay on how each of these laws/regulations have clarified or increased understanding of the importance of regulations, laws

Write an essay on how each of these laws/regulations have clarified or increased understanding of the importance of regulations, laws

Read: the 390 Law, New York State Child Care Center Regulations, the Quality Day Care Protection Act of 1998, also known as Jeremy’s Law, as well as the health, fire and building codes for the area of Poughkeepsie, NY.

390 Law – http://pdpstaging.pdp.albany.edu/ccfs/ccfs_lr/390-SSL-Child-Day-Care.pdf

New York State Child Care Center Regulations – https://ocfs.ny.gov/programs/childcare/regulations/418-1-DCC.pdf

Quality Day Care Protection Act of 1998 –  https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-105hr4868ih/pdf/BILLS-105hr4868ih.pdf

PDFs of documents attached in files

Write an essay on how each of these laws/regulations have clarified or increased understanding of the importance of regulations, laws and codes in early education. Be sure to answer the following questions:
1. What have you learned?
2. How has this information helped to increase your understanding of current regulations?
3. Why are these regulations important to the field of early education?

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