write a one-page “what if” scenario about a public health field or community setting where you want to work someday ‘Community Health Nursing

write a one-page “what if” scenario about a public health field or community setting where you want to work someday ‘Community Health Nursing

Skim/ read the chapters and websites assigned this week.  Then (Individually) write a one-page “what if” scenario about a public health field or community setting where you want to work someday ‘Community Health Nursing: Caring For the Elderly’.  Even if you don’t see it in your future at all,  make something up!  Be specific about a company/ agency, type of VP, specialty that you’d enjoy working with. This is a creative, exciting journey, and it helps to look ahead.  Link your thoughts to content from class and current sources of information, with APA citations, of course (on a second page per APA).  

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