Write a news story based on the speech presented in class. (You may also access the speech online to verify content.) Cover the speech as if

Write a news story based on the speech presented in class. (You may also access the speech online to verify content.) Cover the speech as if

Write a news story based on the speech presented in class. (You may also access the speech online to verify content.) Cover the speech as if it were given live in our class on Thursday. https://www.ted.com/talks/sally_kohn_what_we_can_do_about_the_culture_of_hate#t-947778

Audience response: You need to include at least two quotes from the audience. You can interview people in the class about what you think would be relevant for this story. Ask insightful questions to get insightful responses. You don’t just want general reaction, you want reaction to your angle. You are welcome to use other sources outside the speech and audience reaction. Just make sure you properly attribute your sources.

Answer preview for Write a news story based on the speech presented in class. (You may also access the speech online to verify content.) Cover the speech as if


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