Write a 1,250-Microsoft Word paper in which you describe the key elements of the following guaranteed rights and their impact on criminal

Write a 1,250-Microsoft Word paper in which you describe the key elements of the following guaranteed rights and their impact on criminal

Write a 1,250-Microsoft Word paper in which you describe the key elements of the following guaranteed rights and their impact on criminal procedure by the courts and police officers:

  1. The Fourth Amendment
  2. The Fifth Amendment
  3. The Sixth Amendments
  4. Include an explanation of how the Bill of Rights applies to the states via the Fourteenth Amendment.
  • Format your assignment using headings as part of organizing and structuring information.
  • Review the Posted Paper Outline with Headings below that you are free to use.
  • Format your paper consistent with APA 7thEdition guidelines using in-text citations and at least 4 peer reviewed sources, one must be the course text.
  • Review the posted Rubric below for additional assignment requirements and expectations.
  • Assignment File Name: Name the file you upload Wk1FirstLast (Name)
  • Example:Wk1AmandaNunes (No spaces or dashes)
  • Submit your Assignment.

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