Make multiple visits to a single congregation that practices some version of Christianity.
For this assignment you will make multiple visits to a single congregation that practices some version of Christianity. Your task will be to understand nature of the congregation’s community life, how it shapes the lives of its members, and the role the church plays in a larger social context. This will require library and Internet research: however, your main source of information about these people will be your own observations.
You will observe at least one of their main weekly worship services.
You will visit and observe at least one other church activity.
You will interview a member of the clergy or a lay member who has the knowledge to answer your questions.
Before you make the visit itself, you must research the congregation and its denomination and/or denominational family. Also make sure you understand the Seven Dimensions of Religion. Before you go anywhere near this group you should have a written list of the questions you will need to answer.
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