Good teamwork means a synergistic way of working with each person committed and working towards a shared goal.

Good teamwork means a synergistic way of working with each person committed and working towards a shared goal.

student 1

Through my research, I have found that there are many advantages and

disadvantages to setting up a work environment to work in team’s vs

being set to work as individuals. Some of these benefits that can be had

by having people work as teams are that there is typically a better

efficiency when a team in concentrated on a task vs and individual on a

task. This is because if a team is truly fluently working together to

the same goal, there will be more ideas produced and achieve more

outcomes than any one of those individuals. The team with this also

tends to produce better ideas then what one person could on their own.

This is because each member has a different set of skills and different

ways at looking and solving problems, often before they occur. The next

advantage would be the mutual support that the team members can give

others within that team. This will help keep the members motivated on

the task instead of getting caught up on one issue that is holding them

back. There is also a greater sense of accomplishment when a team member

accomplishes their set of the goal because their small victory is

shared with others not just coughed up to being another day at work.

When coming to rewarding a team it is important to do it efficiently in a

manner that promotes hard work on the individual’s levels and not as a

blanket for the whole team to keep members working hard and not allowing

just one or two do most of the work. When teams are rewarded properly,

it is found that the team’s overall performance will increase along with

the individuals within that team.


Dault, J., Cioca, I. A., & Ouslis, N. (2019, February 10). How to

use team rewards effectively • ScienceForWork. Retrieved April 26, 2021,


Zhang, L. (2018, May 03). Which one is better, teamwork or working independently? Retrieved April 26, 2021, from prefers individual work because they could have,the project successfully. I think teamwork is better.

student 2

Good teamwork means a synergistic way of working with each person committed and working towards a shared goal. Teamwork maximizes the individual strengths of team members to bring out their best. Therefore, it is a necessity that leaders facilitate and build the teamwork skills of their people if they are to steer a company toward success.

From an ethical and psychological perspective, individualism is the idea that humans should act, think and judge independently following only their own minds. From an ethical and political standpoint, individualism is strongly linked to the supremacy of individual rights. Businesses that highlight individualism among their employees play to their desire to achieve personal success as opposed to collective success. This requires businesses to provide workers with high levels of personal accountability and independence, as well as offering them the opportunity to follow their own initiative.

The pursuit of personal success and happiness is a powerful motivation. The entire capitalist society is based on the assumption that people will further their own interests. If a business can align the interests of the worker with the interests of the business, this increases morale and productivity. Individualism also has been linked to creativity and innovation.

Effective teamwork allows workers to accomplish projects which are too complex or large for an individual to do alone, which includes all but the smallest of projects. Imagine an individual trying to build a hospital, find the cure to a disease, or run a government agency without collaborating through teamwork. Teamwork also allows a group to investigate a problem from many perspectives through brainstorming, which allows a team to incorporate different perspectives and ideas. A group approach also increases the chances of detecting flaws in a solution an individual might miss.


Flores-Szwagrzak, K., & Treibich, R. (2020). Teamwork and individual productivity. Management Science, 66(6), 2523-2544.
Suanpang, P. (2004). Teamwork vs. Individual Student Project in Online Course. In EdMedia+ Innovate Learning (pp. 2765-2772). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Pfaff, E., & Huddleston, P. (2003). Does it matter if I hate teamwork? What impacts student attitudes toward teamwork. Journal of marketing education, 25(1), 37-45.

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Good teamwork means a synergistic way of working with each person committed and working towards a shared goal.

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