Woman in The USA
How would Chopin view America’s political climate today? What issues would she advocate for and what would she suggest doing about them?
How would Chopin imagine Edna in today’s society? What kind of person would she be, and how would society respond to her?
Are there still writers who seek to “resist” in the way that Chopin seems to? If so, who are they and how do they compare Chopin? If there aren’t writers who do what Chopin did, what do you think has changed? Why is this sort of thinking no longer possible, or why has it become so much less a part of the conversation?
Nuts and Bolts: Typed, double spaced, MLA formatted on Microsoft Word and attached as a document that I can open. 700 words minimum and quote at least three times from Chopin in support of your explanations. Your work will be judged based on the uniqueness and quality of your selections, your familiarity and engagement with the play and of course fulfilling the formatting and length criteria of the assignment.
873 Words