Why we post on social media There are various reasons why we post on social media, according to an article in the Journal of Experimental

Why we post on social media There are various reasons why we post on social media, according to an article in the Journal of Experimental

Social media and stress It can be both positive or negative that we are affected and some are more likely to be affected due to their current mental health. According to the study Social Comparisons, Social Media Addiction, and Social Interaction examines how specific social media behaviors are. It was done on 504 students over the age of 18 in university. Which shows a link between depression and becoming addicted to social media by comparing oneself with other profiles. The study showed that participants with symptoms of depression showed behaviors that use social media in a negative way by comparing themselves with others, depending on using apps and programs. While participants who did not show symptoms of depression use social media in positive ways such as interacting with others more time the participants used facebook and compared themselves with other profiles negatively affected their mental health and show symptoms of mental illness. social comparisons, dependence on social media and social interactions https://onlinelibrary-wiley-com.ezproxy.bib.hh.se/doi/full/10.1111/jabr.12158 To be able to highlight how certain social media can influence young people to create false self-images in social media that compare profiles, images and statuses. It can harm those with low self-esteem who are negatively affected. There is a theory of false self-image that is more defensive and protective of one’s true self-image. Low doses of false self-image are not so harmful but repeated uses can lead to gaps from one’s true self towards one’s false self-image which can then turn into extreme cases. Some users are especially vulnerable to false self-images that can affect their mental health, according to the study The “Facebook-self” https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00099/full Impact on the brain Social media can affect us in different ways, in a study that observed brain activity in adolescents showed that parts that deal with emotions and sensory impressions from the environment reacted when participants felt excluded when they are not included in online chats and events that are posted. It affects young people because their brain develops and gets used to this feeling of feeling outside and the brain reacts in certain parts when this happened to the participants who were participating in the study. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5821838/

Why we post on social media There are various reasons why we post on social media, according to an article in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, is that sharing social media links to positive social media response and self-esteem. More directly, the pursuit of likes or following on social media strongly influences why people publish. The positive attention that some users receive for publishing inspires more and more social sharing among many users. In summary, people generally post from some form of emotional position seeking answers. Since social media itself focuses on communication, it makes sense that the primary motivation for publishing comes from a psychological point of contact with others. But this constant quest for acceptance and exposure on social media can lead to major psychological problems for some. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022103116303377 Loneliness There are results that showed that loneliness can decrease while happiness and satisfaction with life can increase, as a function of image-based use of social media. However, text-based media use seems inefficient. As a result, some users have greater self-confidence and a stronger self-perception on social media in image-oriented environments. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0747563216302552

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