Who is Anthony Johnson and why is he significant in the early history of the colony of Virginia

Who is Anthony Johnson and why is he significant in the early history of the colony of Virginia

Answer questions

  1. Who is Anthony Johnson and why is he significant in the early history of the colony of Virginia?
  2. In 1756 a ten-year-old girl named Priscilla went on the Middle Passage to America to be a slave. Why is it remarkable that we know about Priscilla and her family to the present day?
  3. In viewing this documentary, how does Henry Louis Gates emphasize the strengths of the Africans who came to America as slaves? Name at least 3 factors or events that showed their achievements.
  4. What effects did the establishment of Haiti as a black nation have upon slaveholders and slaves in the US?

Finally, what did you learn about Africans’ arrival and treatment in North America that you did not know before? Does anything surprise you about the content and images in this documentary?


Watch this video  https://youtu.be/-WiaKtc6irg

Solution Preview

Antony Jonson was an Angolan who was brought to America as a result of the slave trade. He is significant because he was among the first black people that gained their independence and was also able to become a successful famer who amerced great wealth. He is……………………………………….


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