Can white collar criminals be more dangerous than traditional criminals

Can white collar criminals be more dangerous than traditional criminals

Based on your prior knowledge

How would you define white collar crime?

Who are the victims of white collar crime?

Are the penalties for committing white collar crime too lenient?

Can white collar criminals be more dangerous than traditional criminals?

I would best define white collar crime as a criminal action committed in the corporate world. The victims of white collar crimes are the employees within the company/organization, the other competing companies in the industry, and the community (society). Absolutely, it’s called the Bail out of the banks & the financial institutions involved in the mortgage crisis to name a few. I feel the detriment is equal no matter how you assess matter. The same harm and loss is suffered from those left to piece their lives together moving forward. One does not outweigh the other and depending on the views of person it will be subjective to their own point of views.


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Hi, I agree that one way to define white collar crime is to attribute it to crimes in the corporate world. Indeed, white collar crimes occur in legitimate occupational settings like in companies as motivated by economic gains or professional success (Friedrichs 2009, p. 5).  Victims refer to those affected by the crime…………………………


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