Create a hypothetical global corporation and answer the five basic questions that

Create a hypothetical global corporation and answer the five basic questions that deal with production in 250-400 words: Where should

Create a hypothetical global corporation and answer the five basic questions that deal with production in 250-400 words:

  • Where should production be located and should it be concentrated or dispersed?
  • What should be the long-term strategic role of foreign productions sites? Should the firm abandon a foreign site if factor costs change, or is there value to maintaining an operation at a given location even if economic conditions change?
  • Should the firm own foreign production or should production be outsourced?
  • How should a globally-dispersed supply chain be managed?
  • Should the firm manage the logistics or outsource their management?
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The global production network comprises of intersections that are connected to each other and associations that expand across boundaries of countries, hence uniting parts of different state and sub national boundaries (Mertins, Krause and Schallock, 2013). Global production………………………..
447 Words