What kinds of icons (in the Byzantine Empire) were deemed more acceptable than others and why? In your essay you should examine

What kinds of icons (in the Byzantine Empire) were deemed more acceptable than others and why? In your essay you should examine


1 What kinds of icons (in the Byzantine Empire) were deemed more acceptable than others and why? In your essay you should examine in depth two examples of icons discussed in class and in readings to address the question.

2 What special powers do (Christian) reliquaries grant to relics and vice versa? In your essay you should discuss in depth three example of relics/reliquaries from the art and architecture we have seen in class to develop your thesis/argument.

3 In what ways did church architecture and decoration in the Romanesque and Gothic periods address the practices of pilgrimage? In developing your essay you should discuss three examples of art and architecture seen in class.

4 How do Medieval manuscripts (from Hiberno-Saxon to late Medieval French) depict/imagine both the ideal and less than ideal relationship between words and images? In developing your essay you should discuss three examples of manuscript illumination
seen and discussed in class and readings.

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