What is the societal constructed single story surrounding slavery and the African American? Can a single story be reconstructed? Explain

What is the societal constructed single story surrounding slavery and the African American? Can a single story be reconstructed? Explain

What is the societal constructed single story surrounding slavery and the African American?

Can a single story be reconstructed? Explain

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\The Societal constructed single story surrounding slavery and African Americans is that anyone of color was less than their lighter counterparts. They were viewed as less than human, and not as academically smart. This is derived from the years of enslavement and the years of abuse at the hand of their white counterparts. It is also believed that American Americans did not have culture until they were freed from slavery. This is just simply untrue. They did have culture; they were able to create soulful music with a deeper meaning, practice religion, and learn how to make create a twist on the white man’s food. The only way this single story can be reconstructed is if this information is taught in schools from a younger age. It would be able to educate people on the true and unjust history of African Americans and their ancestors. This would be one of the multiple ways that society as a whole could reconstruct this single story.

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