What is the evidence to support the efficacy of the two chosen interventions? • Why are these interventions a good fit for your target

What is the evidence to support the efficacy of the two chosen interventions? • Why are these interventions a good fit for your target

You will examine contextual factors involved in implementing the interventions and ways to measure and document change in participants and the setting in which the intervention is applied. You will consider: • What is the evidence to support the efficacy of the two chosen interventions? • Why are these interventions a good fit for your target audience and setting? • What would you be aiming for in terms of outcomes by introducing the interventions? • How would you administer the interventions? • Are there any practical issues you need to consider when implementing the interventions in your chosen setting? • What specific scales (quantitative approach) or evaluation (qualitative approach) could you implement to determine whether positive changes have occurred? Maximum word count: 2500 words (+/- 10%). This word limit includes in-text citations but excludes any reference section. Meeting the word count is included as a part of the marking criteria in your marking rubric on Moodle. See the Psychology Word Count Information document on Moodle for a rationale for using this type of word limit restriction.
-use strength building and gratitude as an intervention at workplace everything else I will let you know

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