What is I-O psychology and how is it different from other areas of psychology? What roles do I-O psychologists play in an organization

What is I-O psychology and how is it different from other areas of psychology? What roles do I-O psychologists play in an organization

The I-O Psychologist: The Past, the Present and the Future
“Industrial and organizational psychologists direct consulting and executive search firms, work for leadership centers, corporations and companies as well as universities. And at this juncture in U.S. economic history, with highly qualified people–from the hourly wage-earning ranks to executive boardrooms–being vital to business success, industrial and organizational psychologists are in position to play major roles in aiding corporations and companies manage their workforces. I-O practitioners conduct a wide range of research and studies designed to provide information about all phases of the workplace. For example, stigmas in organizations (weight, physical attractiveness, sexual orientation, disability, religious beliefs, race); sexual harassment; the role of personality traits in the hiring process; barriers to successful employment of workers with disabilities; workplace culture, particularly when companies merge; selection of law enforcement officers; reducing absenteeism, workplace aggression; what attracts individuals to certain organizations, and the leadership behaviors of women as managers are just a few of the studies being done by I-O psychologists.”
What is I-O psychology and how is it different from other areas of psychology? What roles do I-O psychologists play in an organization and what kind of problems can they address? Do you think the job of an I-O psychologist will change in the future, with more technological advancements, more globalization, more people working remotely and new workplace challenges? How?
Source: http://www.siop.org/media/What.aspx

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