What influence do you think this info may have on investors either short term or long term

What influence do you think this info may have on investors either short term or long term

find and report on two significant news items, market analysis reports or press release that were published within the past two weeks, about the company specifically. What influence do you think this info may have on investors either short term or long term? 150WORDS

2. Find and report on one significant news item or market analysis report about the company’s market segment. What influence do you think this may have on investors long or short term 150WORDS

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General Motors Co. has projected another profit growth in 2017 and heaped a $5 billion share buyback plan in addition to the $9 billion the company had already repurchased in 2015. GM has thus reported returns of 7.2% to the shareholders having boosted revenue and profits through the…………………………………



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