what constitutes effective law and order in the society that created the document. What constitutes criminal behavior? How do its legal codes

Here are the official instructions for the short
The topic for this paper can be any of the
materials we have read up through week 5 this
includes the following: “The Lottery,” “The
Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas,” The
Code of Hammurabi, The Book of
Deuteronomy, Antigone, Dante’s Inferno, or
“The Trial of Susanna Martin” from Cotton
Mather’s Wonders of the Invisible World.
What I would like you to do is to choose one of
the works above and write a short paper that
contains two parts. The first part will be a
discussion of the work in its historical context:
based on the selections I gave you, what
constitutes effective law and order in the society
that created the document. What constitutes
criminal behavior? How do its legal codes
differ from those in twenty-first-century
America? The second portion of the essay will
be an expansion of what we have been talking

about on the discussion board. I would like you
to talk about a contemporary issue that mirrors
or is reminiscent of the issues described in the
literature—how are they the same and how are
they different. For example: the death penalty is
a crucial part of both Deuteronomy and The
Code of Hammurabi; what sorts of controversies
surround the death penalty today? Another
example: We see Creon’s inflexibility as a lethal
character flaw. Has inflexibility in our legal
system caused any controversial problems? (The
three-strikes laws come to mind here.)
This paper should be between 4-5 pages in
length, though longer is almost always better. It
should be written in proper MLA format with a
works cited page. A few days before the paper is
due, I will put up an upload link.
A couple of notes: In most cases, I have given
you only a small portion of an entire work. If
you think that reading a larger portion would
help you write the paper, by all means do so (for
example, the complete Code of Hammurabi can

be found online.) For all of the readings I gave
you, I will provide the works cited information.
For any other sources you use you will have to
find the information yourself. Finally, I
encourage you to send a draft of your essay
to WriteAid. While this isn’t mandatory, it
certainly will help your grade.
If you have any questions or concerns about
this essay, please send me an email.

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