What are your personal reactions to the idea of encouraging the expression of one’s feelings toward infants and toddlers? Should you also

What are your personal reactions to the idea of encouraging the expression of one’s feelings toward infants and toddlers? Should you also

What were your thoughts while reading this chapter? Did anything stand out, bother, or intrigue you?  

Principle 6 addresses the idea that it is important to acknowledge and express one’s feelings. This is based on a cultural idea that unexpressed feelings create tensions and can cause problems in one’s relationship with an infant or a toddler. Not all cultures believe in the importance of expressing one’s feelings toward infants and toddlers. What are your personal reactions to the idea of encouraging the expression of one’s feelings toward infants and toddlers? Should you also express your feelings toward infants and toddlers?  

Throughout this chapter, adults react to infants and toddlers without scolding or judging them. We don’t see a single example of punishment. What is your reaction to this approach? Is it very different from the way you were brought up?  

How do you feel about encouraging infants and toddlers to solve their own problems instead of having them expect an adult solve their problems for them?  

In the section, “The Right Amount of Quality Time,” the text asserts that children and adults need to have private time. Privacy is a cultural issue, so the idea that people need space and time alone depends on one’s cultural background. Do you agree with the text’s assertion about privacy? Are you a person who needs some time and space to be alone? If yes, do you think your need is related to your culture, or is it individual to you?

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