What are the ethical, business, public affairs and branding advantages for businesses engaged in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?
consisting of two essays, described below
Case Study 1
What are the ethical, business, public affairs and branding advantages for businesses engaged in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?
Length (max 875 words)
How have corporate communications shaped the narrative of the organisation’s identity and its messages?
What challenges have they faced to their reputation and how have they responded?
Any examples of collaboration with stakeholders (pages, social media, etc)?
Refer to Cornelissen for models and theories and look further if you can.
This is a short piece so be very focused …you will need to do background
research and analysis but the summary should be focused and organized. Give examples to illustrate or clarify.
Case Study 2
How are the use of social media platforms being incorporated into corporate communications strategies?
Length (max 875 words)
Describe the changes for businesses when actively using social media platforms, the reason for using these platforms and the results. Look at the current branding (monolithic, endorsed, branded) and notice if that is part of the change. What does this mean for the identity of the organisation? Critique this thinking about the principles of strategic communication, corporate identity and branding and then give your own view of the outcome.
This is a short piece so be very focused …you will need to do background research and analysis but the summary should be focused and organized.
Answer preview for What are the ethical, business, public affairs and branding advantages for businesses engaged in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?
947 Words