We will all use the same topic, a simple one that is focused on explaining Juan Rulfo’s Pedro Paramo, when it was written, what it is about,
Documented Essay Assignment and Topic
We will all use the same topic, a simple one that is focused on explaining Juan Rulfo’sĀ Pedro Paramo, when it was written, what it is about, its influence on Latin American Literature. I suggest that you start with simple research aboutĀ Pedro Paramo.
As you prepare this essay please beware that you must include and quote three to five outside sources, use the MLA format, and in the process of the paper explain Pedro Paramo, its origins, intentions, and influences.
I made the topic very simple, so if you have never written a documented essay, you will still have no trouble. You can use as few as three sources, as I say above, and we have been working the whole term on the format, except we now will deploy several quotations and certainly a works cited page.
Second Possible Topic for the Documented Research Essay
If you do not like the first topic, you can do this one:
One of the great works of literature in the last 100 years, ironically, is Gabriel Garcia-Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude. Now our topic here is very specific, and you do not want to deviate into discussing the narrative structure, plot or something else. The topic here is as follows:
The Critical Reception and Reactions to Gabriel Garcia-Marque’s One Hundred Years of Solitude
Here the point of your essay–if you like this topic–will be to find specific comments on the great novel by any number of artists in the world, to include Mo Yan and almost every writer in the second half of the last century. Explain that your paper is demonstrating what people thought–or think–of this novel and its influence. Perhaps you can devote a paragraph to several commentaries. Obviously, a great writer’s opinion is worth more than the ninth grade student in the honors class in his or her town. Look up specific people, what they say, and quote them, attempting to build a case for the power and influence of this novel.
NOTE here you must have a minimum of five sources, all of which must be quoted minimum of one time each. Use all aspects of MLA format as with our other papers. Remember, if you have questions, email the instructor.
This one should be multiple paragraphs, perhaps some 1,000 words or at least close to that number. You must have three to five sources, all of which are quoted in the body of the paper at least once consistent with the MLA style. The paper uses parenthetical references and must have a Works Cited, which, unlike the annotated bibliography, contains the reference but not the annotations.