Using your Gender and Media outline as the basis, you will write a five-paragraph essay that discusses YOUR views of the Causes or Effects of gender

Using your Gender and Media outline as the basis, you will write a five-paragraph essay that discusses YOUR views of the Causes or Effects of gender

Learning Goal: I’m working on a english writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Using your Gender and Media outline as the basis, you will write a five-paragraph essay (600 words +) that discusses YOUR views of the Causes or Effects of gender stereotypes and the media. You will use evidence (quotes/paraphrases) from the film Sexual Stereotypes in the Media. NO other outside research allowed for this paper! Through the NOVA library links provided for the film, the full transcript is available to you for you to pull quotes; the full MLA citation is also available.

Skills you will demonstrate in your paper:
*Writing a TOPIC+CLAIM+3 MAIN IDEAS thesis statement
*Writing topic sentences that align with each main idea in the thesis
*Developing an outline with main points and evidence (quotes/paraphrases)
*MLA format for in-text citations and works cited
*Using an outline to develop an essay
*Evaluating cause and effect

This is the video for the research Sexual Stereotypes in the Media and the outline i have it.

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