Using an intersectionality framework, discuss the issue of health inequality which results in elevated infant mortality and reproductive

Using an intersectionality framework, discuss the issue of health inequality which results in elevated infant mortality and reproductive

The intersectional lens refocuses our perspective on health and illness in several important ways. It invites us to understand race, class, and gender as relational concepts: not as attributes of people of color, the dispossessed, or women but as historically created relationships of differential distribution of resources, privilege, and power, of advantage and disadvantage. The intersectional approach requires that we interrogate the manner in which these axes of stratification intersect. It emphasizes the ways in which race, class, and gender are not additive but rather interlocking, interactive, and relational categories, “multiplicative”, “simultaneous”, “mutually constituted”, and characterized by “the articulation of multiple oppressions”.

Using an intersectionality framework, discuss the issue of health inequality which results in elevated infant mortality and reproductive health concerns among African American women.
Also, describe forms of resistance and resilience that are generated by black women’s location at the intersection of class, race, and gender.

Your essay should be approximately 500 words. Use proper citations. Refer to your work in the course and pay special attention to the materials in the folder for Essay #1.


CardiometaboliC HealtH in afriCan immigrants to tHe United states: a Call to re-examine researCH on afriCan-desCent popUlations
Yvonne Commodore-Mensah, PhD, RN; Cheryl Dennison Himmelfarb, PhD, ANP, RN; Charles Agyemang, PhD, MPH; Anne E. Sumner, MD

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