Use an article or news as source to talk about retirement plan. Analyze the source, and citation is required. At the top of your analysis,

Use an article or news as source to talk about retirement plan. Analyze the source, and citation is required. At the top of your analysis,

Use an article or news as source to talk about retirement plan. Analyze the source, and citation is required . Word count: 200

At the top of your analysis, the following statement must appear: “My manager should care about this article because. . .” In other words, your narrative should explain why the article describes an event or action that creates or affects an emerging trend in an industry or business that would be of interest to you.

Just follow the requirement and remember the citation and word count.

Answer preview for Use an article or news as source to talk about retirement plan. Analyze the source, and citation is required. At the top of your analysis,


214 Words