Understanding the Components and Impact of Quality Early Childhood Education Programming

Understanding the Components and Impact of Quality Early Childhood Education Programming

High-quality preschool education produces substantial long-term educational, social, and economic benefits (Barnett, 2004). However, children can only benefit from high-quality services if they are able to participate. Variability in state financial commitment to early childhood programs, differences in eligibility requirements, and overall issues of access to high-quality care vary widely, creating a large gap between the availability of affordable and accessible high-quality programs and the number of children and families who can access them (Olson, 2005).

While accessibility and affordability varies for individual families, the programs and practices that constitute quality share a substantive research base. For the first of two discussions this week, consider what you have learned about the vital role of high-quality programming, components that are associated with high-quality care and education, and why many families face challenges in terms of finding high-quality care and education programs.

After you have considered these factors:

By Tuesday of Week 1:



  • A summary of the benefits of high-quality programs for young children and their families
  • At least three research-based components that contribute to quality programming
  • Why access to affordable high-quality care can be such a challenge for so many families
  • Your personal definition of quality as it relates to early childhood programs

Note: In addition to including references to and examples from the readings to support your answers, you may use additional resources to respond to this Discussion. Be sure to support your thinking by citing your sources.

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Providing high-quality education programs for young children is beneficial both socially and economically. Both the young children and their families are the immediate beneficiaries of access to high-quality programs on early childhood………………………
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