Transformational leaders influence those around them and therefore have the potential to alter

Transformational leaders influence those around them and therefore have the potential to alter the culture of a unit or organization. Please address the following

Transformational leaders influence those around them and therefore have the potential to alter the culture of a unit or organization. Please address the following topics:

  • Summarize your general beliefs of what makes a good leader.
  • your leadership style?
  • What aspect of the TEACH values discussed in the lesson do you think would most benefit your work environment if adopted?
  • TEACH : Teamwork- team first; diverse point of view; assume positive intent; collaborate openly
  • Energy- move quickly; learn from mistakes; build positive spirit; look for a better way
  • Accountability-take ownership and initiative; demonstrate courage as we speak up; act with integrity in all we do
  • Community: operate with a shared sense of responsibility and purpose; enrich colleagues; students and community
  • Heart-serve with passion, respect, and care

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