To demonstrate that you have effectively and thoughtfully researched your topic (POLICE BRUTALITY), you are going to compile an annotated bibliography

To demonstrate that you have effectively and thoughtfully researched your topic (POLICE BRUTALITY), you are going to compile an annotated bibliography


The Completed Annotated Bibliography

Complete and submit the annotated bibliography.

Compiling an Annotated Bibliography

To demonstrate that you have effectively and thoughtfully researched your topic, you are going to compile an annotated bibliography which includes 10 sources that you have read (or watched, or talked to) and analyzed. An annotated bibliography is a bibliographical list in which each item is summarized and commented upon. It provides people in a particular field with access to important, new, and updated information on relevant books and articles. An annotated bibliography lists MLA or APA style citations, with each citation followed by a paragraph that comments on the source (the annotation). The annotated bibliography indicates both the depth and breadth of your research and demonstrates whether or not you are prepared to move forward to writing the essay. As you write the annotations, the process should help you decide which sources you are going to use in your paper and how you will use each source. You should draw the sources both from the research you have done for the research reports and from the research you have done on your own. If I am not convinced of the credibility of a source based on your annotation of it, I may not allow you to use that source in your final paper.

Please follow these instructions.

  1. Format the annotated bibliography as instructed in the OWL resources.
  2. The annotation will include a summary and an evaluation of credibility and usefulness. Please start the annotation with a short summary (two to three sentences) of the contents of each text. The summary should be specific for each source. For instance, it is not enough to write that a source is about the death penalty. Instead, the two to three sentences should explain what the source specifically says about the death penalty—for instance that the source argues that the death penalty is not cost effective and that it based this argument in studies done in 5 states. The summary should be followed by at least one sentence explaining why you believe the source is credible and two to three sentences explaining how the source will be applicable to your paper or why it won’t be.
  3. When you have written your annotations:
  1. alphabetize by author’s last name or by first word in title if there is no author (if the first word in the title is the, use the second word)
  2. double space the entire document
  3. include working title for your final essay at the top of the document
  4. include working thesis statement for your final essay following the working title
  5. In order to show a variety of sources, make sure that in the ten-item bibliography you include at least one of each of the following types of sources:
  • A peer-reviewed academic article, whether from a printed journal or from the Internet
  • A book
  • An article from the popular press, whether from a printed source or the Internet
  • Either an interview with someone knowledgeable in the field, whether personal, telephone, e-mail, or chat-room or an internet source
  • A non-Internet source beyond any included above

Any sources used for research reports should be used for this assignment.

Checklist for Annotated Bibliography

  • Ten sources
  • Correct alphabetizing of sources
  • At least one example of each required type of source (see #4 on this assignment sheet)
  • Annotations/ summaries–evidence that the material has been read
  • Correct citation in either MLA or APA format
  • Working title included
  • Working thesis included
  • Document proofread and edited for professional appearance

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